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BILLHOPPYBOYD commented about Picwood Theatre on Oct 16, 2005 at 5:05 pm

MERYL: I tend to favor the westerns and detectives I grew up to. I just don’t rate things like the AFI 100. When you project so many thousands of films over 20 plus years quality and quantity tend to all become one. I also favor many sci-fi which I will edit on my profile. I cannot rate theatres having been in 200 plus. I always liked the Pix in Hollywood…an incredible balcony and theatre. The only film I saw at the Picwood after 1961 was Point Blank with Lee and Angie both of whom I like. I don’t remember the few films I projected there because I rarely was sent there. I hope you send me an e-mail with questions and comments because I checked the box to allow members to e-mail me but not to put my e-mail on my messages like this. I can discuss films more thoroughly than in this public forum. Did you see SC/NOTRE DAME? I died 3 times and was revived!!

BILLHOPPYBOYD commented about Picwood Theatre on Oct 15, 2005 at 6:49 pm

MERYL: I believe I did update ok but don’t understand contact.

BILLHOPPYBOYD commented about Picwood Theatre on Oct 15, 2005 at 11:05 am

MERYL: Along with other shortcomings like disliking suv’s and cell phones my experience with PC’s has not been good. If you tell me what to do to update and contact I will do it. Today I am worried about SC/NOTRE DAME.

BILLHOPPYBOYD commented about Picwood Theatre on Oct 14, 2005 at 11:02 pm

Meryl: The first film I remember seeing there in the early 1950’s when they had the SATURDAY MATINEES FOR KIDS was UNEXPECTED GUEST which was one of the last 6 films with HOPALONG CASSIDY who starred in 66 films between 1935-1948. In Jr. Hi. I went to see MIGHTY JOE YOUNG with a girl in my neighborhood named Sharon Bovee. We both rode our Schwinn’s there. Pico and Westwood had more shops to visit than candy in a bottle. What an era and so many memories!!

BILLHOPPYBOYD commented about Picwood Theatre on Oct 14, 2005 at 6:39 pm

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I added the LA TIJERA in Westchester, the ARDEN in Lynwood, a rare shot from 1937 of the new HARPER DRIVE-IN in Hollywood and a rare shot of a Detroit Drive-In in the 1930’s. My family hailed from Motor City before L.A.

BILLHOPPYBOYD commented about Vista Theatre on Oct 13, 2005 at 6:55 pm


BILLHOPPYBOYD commented about Picwood Theatre on Oct 13, 2005 at 6:48 pm

ANY MEMBER: I get an e-mail from this site which has an address to read a members reply but it is not highlited. HOW DO I GET THIS MORSE CODE?

BILLHOPPYBOYD commented about Picwood Theatre on Oct 13, 2005 at 5:46 pm

Ken: That is one of the greatest shots I ever saw. I have had 1 problem after another in Van Nuys for a month. Adelphia does one thing right…make continual mistakes. Today a tech cut a fiber optic wire and no tv for 4 hours. I have had very little Internet time between Adelphia and the LA power outage for over a month. I moved to Cheviot Hills in 1949 and even I don’t remember how empty the area was.

BILLHOPPYBOYD commented about Picwood Theatre on Sep 20, 2005 at 5:22 pm

QUESTION and STORY!! Have any of you members been in a theatre as an employee when a BOMB threat was phoned in? I was at the FOX HOLLYWOOD when this happened around 1975 and I was at the Mann’s Triplex in Pasadena when a bomb threat was phoned in on 2 separate occasions in the early 1980’s. I STAYED RIGHT IN THE BOOTH ALL 3 TIMES!! Now, no one ever talks about the forgotten theatre employees called JANITORS. Today we must call them Rubbish Engineers. When I was on Funky Broadway I spent about 6 months at the ARCADE. Like all theatres downtown whether they were a Palace or not they all shared one thing in common…A GREAT BIG BALCONY. One Sunday morning I came it at 9:30 for a 10am start time and every employee plus the managers were cleaning up. The theatre was filthy. You may not know that these poor guys were only guaranteed 5 hours and practically all worked 6 or 7 days a week. The manager told me they were on strike. I asked why. Historically on Broadway there were always 2 janitors. One was in the main auditorium and 1 was in the balcony. It would be physically impossible for 1 man to clean both upstairs and down in 5 hours but believe it or not management wanted to eliminate 1 man and give the remaining man a generous 37 and ½ hour 6 day work week. Unbelievable.

BILLHOPPYBOYD commented about Picwood Theatre on Sep 20, 2005 at 5:06 pm

MERYL AND DRH: Thanks for the acknowledgement. I don’t put too many of my 150 photos on the Webshots site because I believe alot of them may be basic shots other members have seen as I did. I have found a couple of sites with really great stuff but the owner/s sent me a notice on line that we are not allowed to show shots with the name of the site I got them from. has some great shots including the Palm Springs drive-in which my grandparents took me to during the Korean War. But, this site puts their name across the middle of the photo. Some sites put their site name at the bottom and I can remove the name. Another great theatre was the Village walk-in in Palm Springs. I will be adding the second most unbelievable shot I have ever seen next week when I get my high-speed modem. The greatest shot I have ever seen is the one I put from the Chinese in 1953 in the winter showing the Robe. When my New York contact sent that I fell off my armchair because the color is so great.

BILLHOPPYBOYD commented about Picwood Theatre on Sep 19, 2005 at 11:20 pm

MEMBERS:I realize Katrina has probably affected interaction on this site. I myself just applied online for a temp job in the SF Valley as a Customer Phone Rep with the Gov’t. They want education, communication skills and empathy and I am a Social Worker. One week ago Los Angeles had a power failure on Monday. I am with Adelphia Cable for tv and high-speed. I lost and never got back my high-speed so I just got AOL which has many flaws also. Mainly sending tech support to New Delhi where the connection sucks and their accents also are impossible to understand. I just got dial up and won’t have hi-speed until Saturday. I look forward to more interaction in time and hope to add some theatres to my album. My new name is HOPPY2 where it just was Hoppy before.