This is BJ again. I’m still busily working on the DVD about the Sunrise Drive-In. The recreation of the drive-in in 3D is the real time killer. The walls of the snackbar are up along witht the floor tiles being laid, the screen is up and the street Marque is finished. For those of you my fellow geeks out there interested in the Sunrise Drive-In. if you go to my web site and click on the button that reads “Illustrations” I’ve posted the first rendering of the Marque looking new and lit up on my web site. It looks the way it did on opening night back in July 3, 1963. So if you want a sneak peek go to my web site at:
I’ve decided to take Fred’s opening line and use it as the name for the DVD. “Welcome again Ladys & Gentlemen to the Sunrise Drive-In” Still interestd in hearing from anyone who may have photos, video or old drive-in movie commercials.
This is BJ Nartker Again. It’s June 20, 2006. – I’m in the process of creating a DVD about the Sunrise Drive-In. I’ve just completed interviews with Fred Gabrial and June Cranor – the owners and operators of the Sunrise Drive-In. I have old video, photos and artwork of the Sunrise Drive-In. I’m in the middle of recreating the entire Sunrise Drive-In with a 3D program. (The Sunrise Drive-In is Rising like, the Phoenix, from the ashes!) You will see the Sunrise in it’s glory days! The Marque will be new and lit once again! I also have old video footage of a few of the other old drive-ins from the Sacramento area. The Highlander, Thunderbird, Westerner and even a bit of the Eldorado Drive-In from Eldorado will be on the DVD. Most of the old footage is not the best of quality as it was taken twenty plus years ago with home video equipment. Hopefully the quality of some of the footage won’t diminish the pleasure of seeing the Sunrise once more.
I would still like to get some good footage of the scenes from “Hunter’s Moon” If that person could get back to me again I would appreciate it. I would love to include those snipits on the DVD. I would also like to make an appeal to those of you out there who may have either footage of the drive-in and old Drive-In commercials, photos, or other. If you do please contact me.
This is a labor of love for me and certainly not a money making project. But if you have contibutions you’d like to let me use, I would certainly appreciate it and be happy to send you a copy of the finished DVD as a momento and souvenier of The Wonderful Sunrise Drive-In. You can contact me at or – 360-910-2694. Email is sometimes a faster way to reach me.
Fred gave me a copy of the film mentioned above “Hunter’s Moon” I believe that was the one. I lost it during one of our moves. If the person who made “Hunter’s Moon ” could contact me about getting another copy of the movie, I would appreciate it. Call me at my number 360-891-5511 and ask for BJ. Or contact me through my website at
I used to live in Orangevale, which is right next to the Sunrise Drive-In. My folks took us to the opening night of the Sunrise Drive-In which was July 3, 1963. I believe the movie playing that night was ‘The White Stallions.“ They had sky divers and Ping-Pong balls falling from the sky that day. I believe there were give aways with certain Ping-Pong balls found.
As I grew up I became friends with the owners Fred & June. I’m an artist by trade and did a painting of the Sunrise Drive-In. I gave it to Fred and June in exchange for a life-time pass to the Drive-In. They threw in free drinks, popcorn and half off on everything else as part of the trade. It was a lot of fun, especially if we were low on cash. My wife and I could always count on
going to the Sunrise Drive-In for a date.
We took our children to the Sunrise Drive-In. They loved it! We even celebrated my oldest daughter’s 16th birthday there. Fred and June made great pizza!
I have lots of pictures and video of Fred, June and the Sunrise Drive-In. I even have a sound recording that my wife made of Fred doing his announcements over the old speakers along with the commercials they used to play. She made the recording back in 1975. One of these days I may make all of these items available on DVD if there is enough interest.
Fred and June I love you guys! Fourty years is quite a run! Thanks for all of the great memories!!!
This is BJ again. I’m still busily working on the DVD about the Sunrise Drive-In. The recreation of the drive-in in 3D is the real time killer. The walls of the snackbar are up along witht the floor tiles being laid, the screen is up and the street Marque is finished. For those of you my fellow geeks out there interested in the Sunrise Drive-In. if you go to my web site and click on the button that reads “Illustrations” I’ve posted the first rendering of the Marque looking new and lit up on my web site. It looks the way it did on opening night back in July 3, 1963. So if you want a sneak peek go to my web site at:
I’ve decided to take Fred’s opening line and use it as the name for the DVD. “Welcome again Ladys & Gentlemen to the Sunrise Drive-In” Still interestd in hearing from anyone who may have photos, video or old drive-in movie commercials.
This is BJ Nartker Again. It’s June 20, 2006. – I’m in the process of creating a DVD about the Sunrise Drive-In. I’ve just completed interviews with Fred Gabrial and June Cranor – the owners and operators of the Sunrise Drive-In. I have old video, photos and artwork of the Sunrise Drive-In. I’m in the middle of recreating the entire Sunrise Drive-In with a 3D program. (The Sunrise Drive-In is Rising like, the Phoenix, from the ashes!) You will see the Sunrise in it’s glory days! The Marque will be new and lit once again! I also have old video footage of a few of the other old drive-ins from the Sacramento area. The Highlander, Thunderbird, Westerner and even a bit of the Eldorado Drive-In from Eldorado will be on the DVD. Most of the old footage is not the best of quality as it was taken twenty plus years ago with home video equipment. Hopefully the quality of some of the footage won’t diminish the pleasure of seeing the Sunrise once more.
I would still like to get some good footage of the scenes from “Hunter’s Moon” If that person could get back to me again I would appreciate it. I would love to include those snipits on the DVD. I would also like to make an appeal to those of you out there who may have either footage of the drive-in and old Drive-In commercials, photos, or other. If you do please contact me.
This is a labor of love for me and certainly not a money making project. But if you have contibutions you’d like to let me use, I would certainly appreciate it and be happy to send you a copy of the finished DVD as a momento and souvenier of The Wonderful Sunrise Drive-In. You can contact me at or – 360-910-2694. Email is sometimes a faster way to reach me.
Fred gave me a copy of the film mentioned above “Hunter’s Moon” I believe that was the one. I lost it during one of our moves. If the person who made “Hunter’s Moon ” could contact me about getting another copy of the movie, I would appreciate it. Call me at my number 360-891-5511 and ask for BJ. Or contact me through my website at
I used to live in Orangevale, which is right next to the Sunrise Drive-In. My folks took us to the opening night of the Sunrise Drive-In which was July 3, 1963. I believe the movie playing that night was ‘The White Stallions.“ They had sky divers and Ping-Pong balls falling from the sky that day. I believe there were give aways with certain Ping-Pong balls found.
As I grew up I became friends with the owners Fred & June. I’m an artist by trade and did a painting of the Sunrise Drive-In. I gave it to Fred and June in exchange for a life-time pass to the Drive-In. They threw in free drinks, popcorn and half off on everything else as part of the trade. It was a lot of fun, especially if we were low on cash. My wife and I could always count on
going to the Sunrise Drive-In for a date.
We took our children to the Sunrise Drive-In. They loved it! We even celebrated my oldest daughter’s 16th birthday there. Fred and June made great pizza!
I have lots of pictures and video of Fred, June and the Sunrise Drive-In. I even have a sound recording that my wife made of Fred doing his announcements over the old speakers along with the commercials they used to play. She made the recording back in 1975. One of these days I may make all of these items available on DVD if there is enough interest.
Fred and June I love you guys! Fourty years is quite a run! Thanks for all of the great memories!!!