Comments from bonanza65

Showing 4 comments

bonanza65 commented about Town Theatre on Jul 16, 2007 at 5:48 pm

i was wondering what killed the pussycat chain. But then I remember the words VCR and the birth of the young porn industry in 1980. The movie Bogie Nights talks about that. This theatre has so much history i have a diary from my great grandfather about him and his friends going there.

bonanza65 commented about UA Del Amo 6 on Jul 16, 2007 at 5:40 pm

when i was 20 me and my gf saw kentucky friend movie in 75/76 and laughed our selfs silly. i just saw it again on video on demand and cant figure out why it was funny. my wife then gf said, comes to show you how our minds are not fully developed at 20 and how our tastes in humor changes in 30 years.

I do remember this. on the 1st floor by the caraval that wasnt there then. Bank of America had an indoor branch and that branch was one of 10 branches to deput the ATM card in 1975. The ATM machine was so new that they had no LED or LCD readouts then. LED was still new, so you would look in this viewer and it would roll instructions of what to do on the canvas back and forth to the right instruction. Sort of like buses did with destinations on their front. I was so excited to get the plastic ATM card and as a young kid presented it many times to places and they would take it as a visa. Plastic Bank cards were unheard of so they all assume it was a credit card from then BANK AMERICARD. ha ha. that was before home VCRs and especially camcorders. I had a Canon 1014 super 8mm camera i filmed all over torrance and in the mall in 1975. of course those cameras never had sound on them. :(

That was also the first year Kodak came out with their EK4 and EK6 instant photos like polaroid. Also My first alarm LCD watch from casio bought at the citizen store next to the theatre. Also I went to El Camino College in 75 and it was the first year they told students to bring the NEW electronic calculator and slide rules no longer were used in math.

bonanza65 commented about Fox Theatre on Jul 16, 2007 at 5:26 pm

what months in 1963? i remember driving by it when the stage was gone and the wrecking ball was demolishing the balcony seats. it was so vast to see it from the street. Sad

bonanza65 commented about Fox Theatre on Jul 16, 2007 at 5:21 pm

I wish someone would research it and could tell me who was the actual executive in charge that made the decision on behalf of National Theatres & Television Inc.. to demolish the Fox.
So many treasures, investments, large companies are demolished, bancrupted, or destroyed and you never know who the person is truly responsible and should be held accountable. only recently the government has focused in and the press has pin-pointed execs like ken lay (Enron and MCI Worldcom) that were the persons that made the decision.

Who was the man that made that decision. Thats what we need is a web site called “Executive held responsible”