Comments from BridgeGangGuy

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BridgeGangGuy commented about Shirley Twin Theater on Apr 12, 2020 at 1:53 pm

Lived in Eastport. Saw the movie “Woodstock” when it was first released in 1970. You had to be 16 or older to get in to see that movie (had some mild nudity), I was only 15 so I borrowed my older brother’s drivers license and got in no problem. Also saw the Beatles film “Let It Be” at the Shirley Twin.

Bridge Gang Guy

BridgeGangGuy commented about Center Cinema on Aug 28, 2019 at 2:15 pm

I saw the movie “Carnal Knowledge” there in the spring of 1972 as a high school senior.Then in 1976 my band “Triad” was hired to play a “young persons” concert there in the fall of 1976. Theater managers at the time were the Barbetta family. They hired a bandmate and me to build a stage at the front of the theater to accommodate live bands. It was a bit of a challenge for a pair of inexperienced carpenters to build a level stage on a sloping floor but we got the job done, with mixed results, in time for the show. The interior walls of the theater were originally lined with deep red curtains which had, over time, been hacked up pretty good by bored teenagers. The Barbettas hired us to replace the bottom 48" of the curtains with T1-11 plywood siding which ultimately just provided a new surface into which vandals could carve their initials and pithy sayings. The concert was well-attended but it was the only one we did there. Not sure if they ever hosted any other concerts. For the record, Triad consisted of: Pete Jespersen, keyboards Kevin Skarka, Guitar, bass and vocals Grant Werner, drums and vocals. All members were from Eastport and later formed the nucleus of LI rock club band “The Bridge Gang”