Comments from CharlesFosterKane

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CharlesFosterKane commented about King Theatre on May 31, 2008 at 6:13 pm

Forgot to mention that I went to the Historical Society and was suprised at how few photos there were there. Was able to find that journal and give it a quick read…very interesting.

CharlesFosterKane commented about King Theatre on May 31, 2008 at 5:52 pm

Stumbled across this thread and was fascinated with the conversation. About a week ago I embarked on a project to gather photos of all the main theaters in Lancaster as a collage for my basement. This has proved a little tougher than I thought, but fun nonetheless. I was able to get a great shot of The Strand and another of the Capital, Hamilton and Boyd. As nice as the latter is I’d still like to get one of each individually. I’m sure you have those photos in your press clippings becuase I actually work at Lancaster Newspapers where I found them in the archives. I also found some really cool 5X7 negatives from The King. There were shots of opening night with Kendig cutting the ribbon, as well as two really cool photos of the projection room and private theater room. Not sure how many showed up over the years in the paper, but I’m certain not all were used. I actually went to The King yesterday and the lady that runs the building was very gracious in showing me around. There is a really good photo of the theater from back in the day with others behind the old glass poster frame….I’m sure you’ve seen it. She took the poster out and was going to let me take it and make a copy, but I was not comfortable with that. I tried, but it was glued on and I did not want to tear it trying, so I just took a photo of the photo and it turned out great. All this to say, if you have any pics you think I might be interested in and could get a copy of I’d be eternally grateful. At this point if I could get a good shot of the Capital I could be happy. Sorry for making this so long…if you get a chance you can respond to me here or shoot me an e-mail to