Comments from CharlieS

Showing 3 comments

CharlieS commented about Brooklyn Paramount on Jan 30, 2007 at 5:11 pm

To all, the going at the university is getting tough and I cant suuggest stongly enough that letters be written in mass to the universlty provost Provost Gale Stevens Haynes, who is reluctant to use the space at the Paramount for anything but a student center. This would be a terrible blow to the theater,equally as bad as the gym. While the university definitly needs and has a legitimate need for a new studnet center, it is clear that both could well be incorporated into the exisiting building, not one or the other. So write, write, write !!!! let her know how we feel, and the support for the restoration and student center. All letters will help greatly to continue to butt her resistance

CharlieS commented about Brooklyn Paramount on Jan 25, 2007 at 2:07 am

Big news !!!! The universiy quitely has meet on 2 occasions with Hugh Hardey, the world reknowned theatrical architect who restored the Radio City Music Hall. The university is considering the restoration of the theater in conjunction with the installation as part of and intergral to the project a world class student center which it desparetly needs. Hugh Hardey is confident this can be done while not hurting the integrity of the theater itself. The univerrsity will soon be seeking out initial seed money to fund the architect for schematic drawings, so they may then have the tools by which to seek out the larger donations for a project of this magnitude. Understand this project can and will not move forward without the student center incorporated into it. But know it will move forward.
In the not to distant future,there should be more news along with university info for donations. Keep the faith !!!!!

CharlieS commented about Brooklyn Paramount on Jan 25, 2007 at 2:07 am

Big news !!!! The universiy quitely has meet on 2 occasions with Hugh Hardey, the world reknowned theatrical architect who restored the Radio City Music Hall. The university is considering the restoration of the theater in conjunction with the installation as part of and intergral to the project a world class student center which it desparetly needs. Hugh Hardey is confident this can be done while not hurting the integrity of the theater itself. The univerrsity will soon be seeking out initial seed money to fund the architect for schematic drawings, so they may then have the tools by which to seek out the larger donations for a project of this magnitude. Understand this project can and will not move forward without the student center incorporated into it. But know it will move forward.
In the not to distant future,there should be more news along with university info for donations. Keep the faith !!!!!