Comments from chinowej

Showing 2 comments

chinowej commented about Fox Theater on Oct 2, 2009 at 1:58 pm

Heh, thats my page you linked to. I’m glad its come in useful. I’m the historian for the TFD and I appreciate the Bee article Ken. I hadn’t got around to digging that one out yet and you’ve saved me some trouble. Ken, are you a Turlock History guy? Any other recollections or info on our fire history?

chinowej commented about Fox Theater on Sep 22, 2008 at 12:03 am

The New Turlock Theater burned on July 25, 1946.

A friend of mine viewed the movie “The Adventures of the Wilderness Family” just hours before it burned again in January 1976.

The Turlock Fire Department has many photos of both fires. In one photo the 1946 marquee reads “On stage in person The Colorado Hillbillies, also The Desert Horseman.”