Comments from Chris111

Showing 2 comments

Chris111 commented about Village Theater Orange on Feb 4, 2007 at 7:54 pm

I single handedly kept that mans business running and the only thing i got was a thank you, and it was from his daughter, not him.

Chris111 commented about Village Theater Orange on Feb 4, 2007 at 7:53 pm

Heh, i worked for this ape. And ill tell you what, he was horrible at running his business. I went into mainplace with it barely having working lights, barely working restrooms, theatres were horrible, and in a couple months with the help of good hired employees (which was done by none other than me, btw – Zero experience as manager, let alone doing schedules, hiring people, and handling any kind of money) turned the theatre around, well turned it towards something close to a working theatre, only to have it closed down cause poor todd didnt want to pay the rent. This man was soo desperate and fiendish, he went far enough as to try to convince me to take over half his company and become co-owner, granted i gave him 100k dollars. Laff yah right. This man had good, hard working employees ad lost them to do his lazyness. I worked in the course of 3 and a half months, over 800 hours. If not 900+. Sometimes up to 150 hours every 2 weeks, working up to or over 15 hours shifts. I wont lie, 1200 dollar checks @ 8:00 an hour isnt bad, but the toll it took on my body was not worth it. If this guy gets another business and u happen to get hired by him, leave asap.