Comments from cinema90

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cinema90 commented about Sunrise Multiplex Cinemas on Mar 18, 2008 at 4:19 am

I was just 12 years old when it happened. The year was 1990.I lost a good friend. His name was Tremaine Hall. He was the victim of the Sunise Movie theatre Shooting that took place Christmas Weekend in 1990. Like other kids in our age group, Sunrise was an easy way to have fun and meet up with other teens. Yes I resided in the “less than desirable” surrounding neighborhood that you talk about. To me it almost sounds as if you’re implying that the residents of the mostly African-American neighborhoods, caused the depreciation of Value in your beloved theatre. Tremaine was killed watching a Mafia Movie. The Irony is Tremaine was Killed watching the Godfather, and not some Urban rap movie that you made reference to. If it was the latter, Tremaine may have been crucified for watching a movie that contributed to the theatre’s beginning and end. Tremaine was only 15 when he was brutally shot by some unruly teens. He was an innocent bystander. With the drive of his parents and local politicians, the theatre has installed Metal Detectors. Please Dont blame Tremaine, the “not so desirable neighborhood”, or the “riot” for not going back. Blame it on your prejudices. This is America. A melting pot of people. Sorry that your segregated theatre fantasy will not be showing there..

P.S. the further Irony is that I am a 29 y/o African American Female who was raised in Jamaica Queens. I am employed as a Police Officer for Nassau County.