Comments from cledo

Showing 6 comments

cledo commented about Alameda Theatre on Jul 25, 2008 at 10:41 am

saw Dark Knight on the 2nd night of release (first true evening)..

Propaganda reel, check
Watchman trailer, nope
Out of focus opening, check
tons of fan boys and girls hissing and booing at the screen for being out of focus, check
Only a few months of being open and already turning into Jack London, check (one person next to us continued to text even after we asked them to stop, and after we got an usher, the left when we got the usher a 2nd time, but by that time the first 20 minutes was ruined.)

cledo commented about Alameda Theatre on Jun 30, 2008 at 12:22 pm

I saw WALL-E in the main theater on Friday and only the propaganda reel at the very beginning was miss aligned, but they fixed that immediately.

cledo commented about Alameda Theatre on Jun 5, 2008 at 5:56 pm

quote: You’re going to miss some really good movies… end quote

Isn’t that a bit pretentious. A, you assume that WANT to see current movies. B, that I can ONLY see them in Alameda.

For A. There are few, very few NEW, first run movies I want to see and shell out $40 to $50 to go see them (2 tickets, 2 sets of snacks). If I want to see a newish movie on the cheap I can go to the Parkway for their “cheap date” deal and get two tickets, a large pizza, popcorn and a pitcher of beer or soda for $35. (or go on their 2 for 1 Wednesdays) Or even better, wait for it to go to DVD and get it via Netflix (averages $3 per movie and about $5 in snacks. Viewed on a 62 in TV with Dolby surround sound, pause and rewind at will and not have to listen other other people rude conversations… heaven.)

for B, I went to the Grand last week and saw Iron Man. The fact that Iron Man may or may not be in the Alameda’s megaplex addition did not stop me.

Netflix movie this year about 40

first run movies this year: 3 (Sweeny Todd at AMC Emeryville, Indiana Jones at Alameda, and Iron Man at The Grand)

2nd run movies this year: 1 I am Legend at the Parkway

Cult Classics: 2 Pretty in Pink and Purple Rain at the Parkway.

cledo commented about Alameda Theatre on May 26, 2008 at 2:43 pm

Saw Indiana Jones in main theater last night. I would not step one foot into the new addition, no matter how hard my husband tried. (I was never against the renovation, I was against the megaplex and the garage). What I did see from the doorway, the additon looked sterile. The original theater though is beautiful!!!
The one and only time I had been in that lobby was when it was a dance club in the 90s. I was trying to remember what my 16 year old self saw 16 years ago. My husband on the other hand who was a regular at said dance club went around and told me how these doors were always chained shut, how they used to hang out in this stairwell, how the DJ booth was over here. how these couches used to be red etc.

cledo commented about Alameda Theatre on Apr 16, 2008 at 12:48 pm

I took a photo of the cineplex addition yesterday. They’ve added the stucco walls and windows.

cledo commented about Alameda Theatre on Jan 20, 2008 at 3:35 pm

The parking garage and megaplex is huge, ugly and I am sad. When you view the corner from Peet’s coffee all you see is a massive wall of concrete. The Twin Towers and City Hall are completely block from view.
When I first heard circa 2004 that they were planning to build this massive parking structure I wrote city development and told them about my worries. They told me not to worry and they are not in the design phase yet. circa 2005 when it was in design phase I wrote and became more involved and was told (as well as many others) I was too late, we should have made our stance known earlier… Now I wonder if my original letter was ever passed on to the correct people or if it was dumped into the trash.
I was never against the renovation of THE THEATER I was against the parking garage and the megaplex. It is ugly, ugly, ugly