Comments from Curt_f

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Curt_f commented about Fox Valley Theaters on Mar 4, 2017 at 10:14 pm

My first job out of high school was working Usher at Fox Valley 1-6 in the summer of 1983. I worked there Summers and Christmas holidays. Most fun I’ve ever had at a job. Lots of great memories. Everybody got along. Free movies, popcorn, nachos, and pop. A group of us would party after work in the parking lot(sometimes even during work, but never got caught). I remember when “Return of the Jedi” opened and the crowds just kept coming. “Officer and a Gentleman” had a very long run because people kept coming to see it. I worked a lot of hours and was able to buy my first car and first stereo with this job. Those memories can never be replaced. I had moved to Arizona by the time I heard about Doug Lonsbury(mgr at 1-6) being shot. He was my manager. Nice guy. I hope he’s doing well today. And then the tragedy a few years later at building 7-10 with the mgr being killed by a former employee.

 I think it was around 2005 that I made a point of driving by the old theater and she was still standing--  vacant, but still standing.  It's sad that she no longer exists.  Thankyou, Plitt 1-6.  You've given me memories that will last a lifetime.