Comments from D40355

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D40355 commented about Capitol Theatre on Dec 8, 2022 at 11:30 am

Dunkel’s radio station, KFBG, was the successor to my father, George S Carson Jr’s, station, KFQP, which was located at 906 E College St (now Alpha Phi Sorority). My dad sold his equipment, which included a modulated oscillator transmitter, to Punch. The most likely reason KFBG’s license was revoked is that the transmitter could not meet new more stringent frequency stability specifications promulgated by the Federal Radio Commission. (Federal Communications Commission was not established until 1934). Dunkel apparently did not want to spend the money to keep the station on the air. Curiously, WSUI, the University of Iowa station, originated broadcasts featuring the Pastime organ. There are a couple of related photos on the University Digital Library.