Comments from dancingwaltz1

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dancingwaltz1 commented about Park Theatre on Sep 3, 2017 at 7:57 am

This question is to trainmaster and Johnrice. Does the Parks has a stage? Could it be converted to an actual theatre to host musicals, dance and musical performance. From Crocket to El Cerrito there is not main performing arts center and I’d like to start one which of course would entail rights you use the theatre and a board but with 220,000 people between El Ceirrito and Crockett it could be supported. Also do you have any pictures you could send me of the interior. It would take the support of local business and a crowdfunding of at least 50K to get things up and running but I have thousands of facebook friends with other friends doing the same the same. Please sned me your thoughts. If it were to be used as a double cinplex could it be quickly altered to suport a performance. Also how many does it seat total? Thx, C