Comments from Davenports

Showing 14 comments

Davenports commented about California Theatre on Mar 14, 2014 at 7:52 am

You are correct on both counts, the project hasn’t happened yet, and there is one more miracle left for the Grand theatre. The theatre has been closed for over 20 years, this project has taken 4 of them to develop. No bldg diagrams, inside access, assistance from anyone except my team and myself as the City changed politicians like most folks change socks.

The new government is engaged now, check LinkedIn &Facebook today for the latest updates, I only address comments on this site because folks still use it.

It’s not enough to say we should save it there had to be a viable solution pertaining to its use as well to offer the city, community orgs and the community. It had to pass and be accepted by all of them and this project has been. That is the dedication of time.

Although it would’ve been wonderful to just have the city “give” the bldg through imminent domain it’s easier said than done. They own the Balboa, and Civic Center, not this one. We are currently in discussion with City officials as to the process of this one. Getting the building saved is important to all concerned but if were just a matter of money it would have been done by now, it isn’t.

Over 150k of development costs have been spent of my own funds to get this far so failure isn’t an option for us and the time delays ( as those not privy to the process see it) are irritating but necessary.

LinkedIn and Facebook will have the updates tonight. Check there going forward as I understand the community need for info, we are in the final phases to have the support of new government and in talks with our funders the long road has the end in sight.

This will be my final reply on the blog site I’m pleased San Diego still cares enough to comment on it and talk about it here, but the main conversation is on LinkedIn (649 users for the theatre, in the top 5% on all of the entire site) & Facebook (125 users) the conversation there should bring you up to speed. Not to know what’s happening is frustrating for everyone concerned so I try to keep the information accessible but not spread all over the web. Hope to see you out there the new postings go up tonight.


Davenports commented about California Theatre on Sep 9, 2013 at 4:13 pm

Yes and the Caliente sign (along with any others still visible, there are 2)will be restored. Actually the one in the photo on this site is the 3rd one, my design team in London uncovered a pic of the original one which was much smaller and more ornate. That will be restored along with the blade sign (hard to find in photos but I have one).

They also have a picture of the original ticket booth a beautiful carved affair which I have sourced a master carver in Chicago to recreate.

The waterfalls around the building will be operational and lit (the theatre technology & lighting consultant is from Texas great guy and smart!). She will be beautiful again and San Diego can be proud! Davenport

Davenports commented about California Theatre on Sep 9, 2013 at 1:20 pm

How curious well lets start by saying that your sources are very wrong.

First the “him” you are talking about finding so much information about (me) isn’t even a male in the first place, I am a woman, and anyone who truly knows anything factual about me or my company knows that. Informants tend to be unreliable especially as they seem to never contact the people they are suppose to be researching. If you need to know anything further about me or my intentions toward the theatre project just ask me.

By the way I only have one name and my company is associated with two both of which I own.

Secondly the City officials have come to no such conclusion and I have no idea whom you have been talking to but they also have no correct information. The politicians whom have actually met me ( Todd Gloria, Jerry Sanders, Deborah Barrow, Former Council Donna Frye, Bruce Coons etc.) don’t have that opinion they admire the fact that we have stuck with it the whole way and will continue until it is done.

Did you happen to see the KPBS special in April on the theatre? No? According to the interviewer out of all the developers (6 in all) that they interviewed I was chosen because I am the only one with a viable plan.

Six years I have spent to get all the details together to make this work the team is chosen, the builder, design staff, craftsmen, architects, etc. The team is complete. Renderings, budgets, legalities, and the like are also all done.

Will I actually do this the simple answer is yes, the answer to “is this just talk” is no.

Should you want to follow the project in better time than this blog (I don’t post much on this one as there is one for the project)then connect with the project on Facebook (California Theatre Resurrection Project) or connect with us on LinkedIn (Davenports Supper Club & VIP Cigar Lounge)that is where the correct information is.

Fundraising is something that can only be done when all the I’s are dotted and the T’s are crossed that is the next step, you don’t just come hat in hand without all the details and with this project there are a lot of them. One more approval and we are solid to introduce the details to the community, and City.

So going forward please feel free to check up on the project on the Facebook page, LinkedIn page (where we have over 630 connections of team members for the project and are among the top 5% of profiles)or our Blog (Diary of a Green Builder on WordPress)for accurate up to date information. The date needed change to suit the needs of the project not for any other reason.

My direct contact information is on LinkedIn. Davenport

Davenports commented about California Theatre on Apr 26, 2012 at 8:11 pm

Thank you the project is progressing very well, we have our second approval from SOHO on the look of the new additions. The LinkedIn page is under Davenports Supper Club & VIP Cigar lounge look forward to wrong you there.


Davenports commented about California Theatre on Apr 5, 2012 at 9:52 am

Hi Rivest266, Great picture and so is the one with the parade. Thank you all so much for the fantastic input it is needed and appreciated. I hope to see more rare pics one day.

The Wordpress blog is the best way to stay in touch with updates it’s called “CA Theatre – Diary of a Historic Green Developer”. The project has received the approval from the historic and government agencies that we needed so on to the next steps. I will of course deep you posted.

Yours Faithfully, Davenport – President & CEO – Davenports Supper Club & VIP Cigar Lounge LLC

Davenports commented about California Theatre on Jan 31, 2012 at 6:09 pm

Hi Everyone, First I want to thank you for keeping the interest going for all this time it helps the City to understand that the building is not just a blight it has a future and folks care about it.

Some of you may know that the Caliente sign (the yellow and black horse racing sign on the rear of the flyloft on the 3rd avenue side) was under fire by the owners who wanted to have a beer company paint over it.

I was asked by CityBeat and KPBS if my project would keep the sign, I want to assure you we will. The group that hosted the petition I posted earlier is going before the powers that be in the City to stop that from ever happening again.

You may not have known this, the owner received the building in foreclosure as I stated prior but since obtaining it they have used it to finance other projects in LA. It is only a tool to them, it as you know is so much more to my company and you.

We are gathering stories about your experience with the theatre for a coffee table book that we will have published on opening day. Send me any old pics as well we would love to see what you enjoyed about it in its heyday.

The public announcement will happen soon and I will naturally let you know when and where so that you can see the renderings from my London Architect and design teams. I know you will be as pleased as SOHO and CCDC were! We are deciding on whom the donors and investors will be now (not everyone with money is the right one for this project)and there will also be a way for those with limited funds to be a part of the Theatres new life.

Until next time check out the Facebook pages and if you are on LinkedIn or WordPress check out the updates.

Yours Faithfully, Davenport President & CEO Davenports Supper Club & VIP Cigar Lounge LLC

Davenports commented about California Theatre on Jan 19, 2012 at 6:20 pm

Hi Micheal, The project you are asking about is mine so I wanted to update you and the blog on the status.

As Mr. Neill has stated the owner is not allowing entry just for the asking but it is in the contract that we are negotiating with them. My attorney is still to re-write the contract details sent by the owners rep so it is almost complete.

There are no floor plans and the renderings developed by my London Architect are proprietary and cannot be sent out. Once the public is under notification (which will be soon) I will post that on the blog and invite the architecture students to view them. This will include viewing some very rare old photos as well.

We are moving with the City on the status of the Caliente sign on the rear of the fly loft being saved and it was said on FaceBook that this project may want to destroy the theatre usage as it once was. That is nonsense. Restoration is a painstaking effort aside from being complex but it requires a developer that is willing to stick by it until it is complete and we are in this for the long haul.

There is a petition to save the sign Please sign it and tell the City why you stand behind it I believe that those involved in architecture should lead the pack and yes I have already signed it.

Please stay on this blog, for further updates on the Davenports project and email me if you have any questions.

Davenport President & CEO Davenports Supper Club & VIP Cigar Lounge LLC

Davenports commented about California Theatre on Jan 9, 2011 at 5:34 pm

The California Theatre now has a web presence!

We have launched the first pages of the website ~ which features the theatre check back often as I change it until I am happy with it and am adding pages as we speak.

On Facebook there is a page to like ~
California Theatre Resurrection Project San Diego
Go out and show your support!

There is a blog now too! (yes I have been busy!) ~
This is a Diary about the project and the company reason for it.

I hope to see you out there I have found that there are funds to restore it and am going to the State of the City Address on the
12th of this month to meet again with the Mayor and new City Council
on the project I will be posting it out on the blog about how it goes.

Most of you know that we are out on LinkedIn as well and have around 211 people connected whom are interested in assisting in all aspects of the restoration.

I look forward to this year with the tax situations now settled for a minute at least we should see more funding and donations opening up for the project.

See you back here and out there soon!!!

Keep Believing and show your support in Cyberspace!

Davenports commented about California Theatre on Dec 7, 2010 at 8:48 pm

Hi Damen,
I am sorry to say that as far as layouts go the pickings are scarce the owner will not allow entry as the building is in such bad shape and the insurance won’t allow it either.

Call me and we can discuss what you need and I will see how I may be able to help you.

I see that you are on LinkedIn as well so I will send you a connection request too if you like. We may be able to trade.

Davenports commented about California Theatre on Nov 7, 2010 at 6:10 pm

Hi Heather, Thanks I would love to know how many on this blog would attend when we do this. I found that in San Diego the only way to get anything done is to shame the politicians in the “court of public opinion”, pity.

For this building to be located between CCDC and City Hall and be in this condition should be a crime! Since we on this site care more than most who would be with me to go out and show support for the project?

Are you with me?

Davenports commented about California Theatre on Oct 3, 2010 at 10:53 am

Hi Jennifer, I was out of town in Las Vegas at an investor meeting and just got back on Thursday I didn’t see any work then. In any event the marquee even in my plans the marquee would have been torn down as it is not the original one, I have photos of the original along with the ticket booth. Thank you for looking out for it please keep posting I don’t go by all the time and after the graffiti I worry about it. My investor will be coming to San Diego to see the building very soon and should we move forward we will be drawing the purchase contracts within 30 days.
Heather thank you for your note I will update out here so you can see the porgress.

Davenports commented about California Theatre on Jun 26, 2010 at 12:32 pm

Hi Mr. Neill,
If you had been following the blog you would know that my company and our joint venture partners are currently negotiating with the lender to buy and restore the theater. I have reported the graffiti (which was done by art students and not a tagger, they thought they had permission and CCDC is taking care of the re-painting as we speak)to have it removed. If you like I would enjoy speaking with you about the future of the theater if we buy it. It will be fully restored to its original beauty and function as a theater in SD once again. We have the best architects in town for both the historic piece and the tower renovation so the best of care will be taken. If you would like to discuss this with us I welcome your contact we are on Facebook and LinkedIn and here of course. I love the fact that once I came to the blog that there were still folks that care about what happens to the building as I am one of them. I would prefer not to have organizations breathing down the lenders neck right now as negotiations have begun and the rules are strict as to whom we can speak with about what the details are. My email is lets discuss the future of the building and how your group would like to participate. I am open to new ideas.

Davenports commented about California Theatre on Jun 17, 2010 at 4:42 pm

Thank you all for your comments. I have found that the building is bank owned and will be meeting with the listing agent in about 2 weeks. There are no offers on the table so we are clear on that point. The project has started to take on a life of its own, the Mayors office called me this morning to find out what we are doing. I let them know about the plans for the theater and they were excited about the prospect. There are other developers whom want to have the rest of the block and may want some of the stories of the tower. I will be working with them to see if the plans that they have are in line with what I want to do and discuss a joint venture prospect with them. I will keep the blog informed as to the outcome of both meetings.

Davenports commented about California Theatre on Jun 15, 2010 at 10:07 am

Developers over the years have wanted the block and not the theater they don’t see the economic feasibility of it, I do and have started the process of negotiations for the purchase of the building. I am a Green Building developer and real estate agent and am very pleased to find this blog and know that the people of San Diego still love and want the theater.
My businesses will be housed there which would include a Jazz Supper Club, organic slow food restaurant, VIP private cigar lounge (air quality taken care of) and of course the fully restored theater. I have reviewed some of the past plans and see the flaws. Since I have found that the City & Federal governments are not concerned and take way to long to do nothing but spout what you can and cannot do I have taken up a plan to partner with the Historic Society and the people to raise the funds to restore the building. If we fund privately then the restrictions and delays go out the window. I will keep the blog updated as to the “Save our historic theater” campaign. You have to do something radical it seems to get their attention and I hope that when I do you all will be there to show your support and drive the message home that not only La Jolla can have a playhouse that wins awards! See you soon let me know what you think about the plans and if you would like to stay more updated my business is called Davenports Supper Club & VIP Cigar Lounge and we are out on Linkedin and FaceBook hope to be friends!