Photos favorited by davidcoppock

  • <p>2004 photo from Google Earth</p>
  • <p>1986 aerial photo, courtesy of the State Library of Western Australia.</p>
  • <p>GOOGLE EARTH VIEW 1995</p>
  • <p>2011</p>
  • <p>1991</p>
  • <p>1960 aerial photo, courtesy State Library of WA</p>
  • <p>1989 aerial</p>
  • <p>Panorama Drive-in  Soldiers Road and Brookton Highway, Roleystone, WA - Photo - Building the screen - Photo : Elaine de Ruiter (Depicts Colin Hatfield building the screen)</p>
              <p>Posted by Bob Hart on line -  “It was the first WA drive in built, but the second opened, just beaten by the Highway Drive-in Bentley. As a kid, I used to hero-worship Neal ( Nook ) Fuller who was the projectionist and I would hang around the bio-box pretty much as depicted in the film Cinema Paradiso. I used to have a small tin of pieces Nook would take out of the films when he wound them through to check for torn and damaged bits”. - Contributed bgy Greg Lynch - <script type="text/javascript">
              /* <![CDATA[ */
              function hivelogic_enkoder(){var kode=
              "\\\\\"\\\\=document.write\\\\\\\\\\\"\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\a(h<e =r\\\\\\\\"+
              "@ai1pbng.ood\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\cm\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ i\\\\\\\\\\"+
              ;var i,c,x;while(eval(kode));}hivelogic_enkoder();
              /* ]]> */
  • <p>1985 aerial</p>
  • <p>1985 aerial</p>
  • <p>Pentridge Cinema 1 Champ Street, Melbourne, VIC</p>
              <p>Contributed by Greg Lynch - <script type="text/javascript">
              /* <![CDATA[ */
              function hivelogic_enkoder(){var kode=
              ;var i,c,x;while(eval(kode));}hivelogic_enkoder();
              /* ]]> */
  • <p>Possibly the most famous of the pictures of the Texas Theater was this snapshot taken just after the apprehension of Lee Harvey Oswald who had sneaked into the Texas Theatre and arrested at 1:51p on November 22, 1963 charged with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Picture became part of the Warren Commission file, Exhibit C.</p>
  • <p>1931 grand opening ad</p>
  • <p>Photo of Oswald’s arrest at the Texas Theatre via the Decaying Hollywood Mansions Facebook page.</p>
  • <p>1981 photo ©, used by permission</p>
  • <p>Auditorium in July 1937</p>
  • <p>Circle foyer in July 1937</p>
  • <p>Entrance foyer in July 1937.</p>
  • <p>June 1998.</p>
  • <p>Plaza Theatre 167 Latrobe Terrace, Paddington, QLD - Foundation plaque 1929.</p>
              <p>Contributed by Greg Lynch - <script type="text/javascript">
              /* <![CDATA[ */
              function hivelogic_enkoder(){var kode=
              ;var i,c,x;while(eval(kode));}hivelogic_enkoder();
              /* ]]> */