Comments from dimensionsinstereo

Showing 9 comments

dimensionsinstereo commented about Rolling Hills Theatre on Feb 10, 2013 at 7:48 am

@filmex2000 Awe (Boo-Hoo-At The Zoo for the scumbag! LOL) He got what he COMPLETELY deserved! And YUP what you said about TPD is EXACTLY true and Torrance at that time was one of the safest city’s, not only in the South Bay but ANYWHERE in Ca!!! AWE THE GOOD OLE DAYS of Law-Enforcement…I can varify what you said cause I worked for TPD and Del Amo Mall Security in the mid 80’s. Great bunch of LawLugs and was still a great city untill the ‘Libs’ DESTROYED TPD AND TORRANCE! Last time I was their in 04 Del Amo was a crime hell hole and by the looks of it Torrance ta boot. What a shame!!! Born and raised in the South Bay 1960, but left the South Bay fer good in 86! Could see that the LIBS were gonna be destroying GOOD OLE TORRANCE and ALL of Southern Ca…Loved that theater and went to see a lotta movies there when we lived in the Rolling Hills…

dimensionsinstereo commented about Mann Torrence Promenade 6 on May 4, 2012 at 6:44 am

Howdy “ChasSmith” loved good ole Dimensions In Stereo! I used to be a Tech at a shop called: Sound Eye. Do you remember that repair shop? The head tech that used to be at Dimensions moved over to our shop. We did a lot of service for Dimensions. I was introduced to B&O at Dimensions! I remember the B&O 2400 Receiver! First time seen remote control on a piece of stereo equiptment. If ya ever wanna talk bout the good ole days of Torrance, especially Dimensions, etc?! Drop me a line…

dimensionsinstereo commented about UA Del Amo 6 on Jun 22, 2005 at 9:44 pm

Hello Manwithnoname, and all Members! It is interesting all the changes this mall has seen. Is all the demolition being done to the North (Old Montgomery Ward) section, or is the South (Sears) section being demolished also?! BTW, I’m 45 years old now. I’m assuming, that the New Cinemaplex will be located in the North section also? I know it was not you in the lobby, Manwithnoname, but it was another poor soul. At closing time, we did not have to much time to fratinize, it was bust ass, to get the place locked down…LOL BTW Manwithnoname, what High School did you attend? Mine was West High and I lived just up the street on Mildred Ave. BTW, it is ALL very confusing, that the old section (outdoor) became the newest and the North (inclosed) became the older!!! VERY CONFUSING! it was an interesting project to watch!! Wow, Manwithnoname, that is an Interesting factoid, about Ronald Regan and Co. Things today are so different, like movies houses are just not the same today. It is a chore to go today, and EXPENSIVE. What part of Torrance do you live in today? Its very interesting to talk to a fellow Torrance Guy!! Bye for now to everyone…Ron PS, Was there two South Bay Center’s? I remember the Outdoor mall (May Co.)Used to love the old elevators as a kid, the old Touch panel!LOL when Mother&Sister were shopping. Loved playing with them!! was called the South Bay Center?? I’m not sure? I remember, i used to like as a kid, the old Wallicks (don’t think I spelt that right?)Music City. Used to love the Old Pacific Stereo; Stereo Hi-Fi Center(both Locations) and Dimensions In Stereo, in the Olde Town Mall. As you can tell, I’m an audiophile.

dimensionsinstereo commented about UA Del Amo 6 on Jun 12, 2005 at 9:09 pm

Hello Manwithnoname. I think we have a misunderstanding going? I know that the South Portion of the Mall, was build in the late 60’s early 70’s. I am NOT talking about that. What I am talking about was the Expansion Project in the Late 70’s early 80’s. The Project, was to build an Expansion Bridge over Carson St. and to INCLOSE the South Portion of the mall, to lets say: (Join them together) the project also included a new food courts,ect. I used to watch the construction in lets say: 1980 or there abouts? In my Senior year in High School, 1978-9, I rememeber shopping at JC Penney’s and that mall was still an outdoor (None-Enclosed Mall) I do remember a man workin late at the Cinema’s. I worked as a Security Officer from early 1984 to late 85. You always seam to question that I worked for the Mall?? Why? I don’t question that YOU worked for the Cinema’s. My Security Director’s name was: Mr.Gary Berger. He was a former LA Motor Patrolman. He was let go shortly after I left, I believe. They decided to go with Contract Security.

dimensionsinstereo commented about UA Del Amo 6 on Jun 11, 2005 at 9:07 pm

Thanks for the Great memories MallRat73! The Midnight Show snacks sound good! and the LIGHT-UP also!! Try any of those things today??!! Things were so loose back than, THE GOOD OLE DAYS! Was sorry to read that Bally’s is now gone also. I used to love all the great Pin-Ball games they had in the 70’s. All of the Places and Things we remember (SO-FONDLY) are now FAST disapearing, what a shame!

dimensionsinstereo commented about Fox Redondo Theatre on May 28, 2005 at 1:56 am

Sorry Manwithnoname, it was Moviemanforever, that saw his first movies at the Fox in 1971.

dimensionsinstereo commented about Fox Redondo Theatre on May 28, 2005 at 1:35 am

I really loved this theatre!! It was FOR-SURE a grand movie palace! I was only 11 when I saw the one and only movie there, it was: Soylent Green, I believe it was 1971. Was living in Lomita at that time. The same year Manwithnoname saw his first films there. There are so many posts for this GRAND movie palace!! I got to dive-in and get to reading, saw some VERY interesting posts!….Have a great weekend all!!

dimensionsinstereo commented about UA Del Amo 6 on May 28, 2005 at 1:17 am

Hello All! Yes I do remember a man sleeping in the lobby of the cinema. So it was you. I ONLY worked Security there from 1984 to late 1985. We had a very tight lock-up routine. Manwithnoname, do you remember the carts the security used to ride to lock up the mall? You might have seen us WIZ by frantically trying to get the mall secured. I remember we had to do a lot of(Overtime) stake-out. Had a lot of breakins in 1984-5, they were sneaking through the gates of the store fronts, later found out it was an inside job, I remember some of the roof hatches were a problem also!! as were some of the mall doors, we had to chain a lot of them shut, the mall needed some door restoration! FOR SURE. I think the Glasiers, bit off more than they could with the Expansion project in the early 80’s.

Ya thats amazing Manwithnoname, that there are no theaters in Torrance, I guess that new 19 screen cinaplex will be quite welcomed. The section you are talking about, Manwithnoname was called Expansion. It went up in the early 80’s. Making the mall the LARGEST in the world for a time. I remember watching the progress a few times. I still remember doing patrol in the South-Side basement area that used to be the delivery ports for(the Shops)of that old outside section, the Glaziers bought that Shopping Center. I remember how erry it was to be down there and see the delivery tunnels all cemented up. Jim Jones used to keep his Boat and a Cadillac or two down there and one of the guard who used to be a Pro-Detailer, would moonlight after hours and restore them.

Thanks William for the correction, thats right it was called: Night Of The Comet. I used to love that Carmel Corn odor!! I also loved the ice-creams that were sold around center court! I agree with you BradE41!! The movie going experence leaves a lot to be desired today!! I remember that DOUBLE-FEATURES were common place and that you could just walk in at anytime and sit down and watch the movie until the next showing up to the part you came in on!!! Awe the good ole days. The prices today are outragious!! I remember going to FULL-ROCK-CONCERTS for LESS than the price of a movie ticket today. And the Theater Nazi’s who make sure you dont sneak in a crumb,(due to the fact, prices of consession today, $4.00 for a dixie cup of popcorn, thats outragious and highway robbery) really get on my nerve’s. I dont go to the movies to much anymore today because of those reasons and many more, I just wait for the picture to come on video. I do love (and miss) the HUGE cinamascope screens that are coming back in Vouge today! I must admit, that there is nothing to take the place of that HUGE cinemascope screen. BTW, I do remember seeing the Big Bus, I think I saw it at the mall!! I used to love the arcade, in my day, loved all the Pin-Ball machines they had, it was at the hight of pin-ball, Tommy, the movie kicked in the pin-ball craze, saw that at a Hollywood theater.

Ya its a shame that the Mall is no longer the Mom & Pop it once was! Everything is disapearing now! For you young guys out there reading, I know you think, (Awe this old Foggy) but life was so much simpler than, times were for sure more fun. Less complex for sure. Like I said in my opener….Awe The Good Ole Days….have a great weekend all…Ron K. PS lived in Torrance from 1969-70 than from 1973-86. Most of my years in Torrance were spent on Mildred Ave. On the boarder of Redondo Beach, below Prospect.

dimensionsinstereo commented about UA Del Amo 6 on May 27, 2005 at 1:52 am

Awe the good ole day’s! Hello All!! I fondly remember the first movie I saw there. It was the Omega Man in 1971. Another movie that stands out in my mind, is a rather obscure one called: Phantom Of The Paradise, with Paul Williams in 1975-6. The last movie I saw there was: The Day Of The Comet in 1985, I believe. I was working as a Security Officer at Del Amo, that is when it was Owned By the Glasiers(I dont think I spelt there names right?)It was INHOUSE Security-again the good ole days!! The mall was a Mom & Pop owned mall, now its owned by a GIANT,sign of the complex times we live in today…BTW Does anybody know if the Glasiers owned the mall right up untill 2003? I remember it was a partnership with the Jones. Jim Jones, was the 2nd in command. I remember when the Glasiers would come to the mall to inspect, the guards were all on there best behavier, LOL. I remember the Glasiers as being VERY nice and friendly!! I have fond memeories in that mall! It’s a shame that the ole Cinemas are now gone and that Tier of the mall will be changed forever!! I to remember that “Mural” I remember the FIRST one, it was of Mod late 60’s, early 70’s, Fashion Chicks…LOL Really GROOVY!!! So dated in that time frame!! Thought it was very funny!! Would be great to have a piece of that original one! It was changed to an abstract later, covering the old one, I suspect. I don’t remember the “Rocket” to much? One thing I do remember for sure, at the time I was working for the mall, it was the largest Reginal Shopping mall in the world. I still have a Letter Head saying that. The Glasiers were planing ANOTHER Expansion in the mid 80’s, to keep it the Largest Mall, but because of the Edmonton Mall in Canada, the plans were dropped. After that, the mall started to wain a bit. WHAT A SHAME. I have lived a GOOD portion of my life in Torrance, Graduated from West-High in 1979. Moved to Colorado in Aug.1986. I definately want to return to the South-Bay one day soon….BTW Love to talk to others about the good ole day, Torrance etc. I also have fond memories of the Ole Town Mall and the Cinemas there…One of my favorite haunts there was Dimensions In Stereo, anybody on here an Audiophile? and remember that shop? Bye for Now…Fond memories to ALL!!! Ron