Comments from dino4051

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dino4051 commented about Harem Theatre in NYC? on Apr 10, 2018 at 2:27 pm

The place I’m referring to was a near beer “ private sessions” brothel type joint. Speaking of Melody who remembers Bobby the huge older guy ( sometimes wearing a pith helmet – he did actually go on a trip to Africa ) who went to the store on errands for all the girls at The Melody and Sophisticated Lady the massage parlor around the corner and Her Place on 45th St bet 6/7 Ave – the sister joint to Sophisticated Lady. Bob looked like he was in the ring with 5 guys beating him to a pulp – he smelled of perspiration but worked like 16 hours day in day out running errands.

dino4051 commented about Harem Theatre in NYC? on Apr 10, 2018 at 2:18 pm

What was the name of that little strip club/ burlesque theater on W 49th St. Bet. Broadway and 7th Ave in the 70s and a good part of the 80s ?