Comments from DLC

Showing 4 comments

DLC commented about RKO Alden Theatre on Jul 14, 2011 at 6:10 pm

So do I !The Florida one is the first, so perhaps there’s hope.

DLC commented about RKO Alden Theatre on Jul 14, 2011 at 2:01 pm

Changing gears a bit [although related to old movies]: has anyone seen the info on or signed up for Turner Classic Movies first cruise, out of Florida?

DLC commented about RKO Alden Theatre on Dec 10, 2010 at 8:00 am

Interesting comment by T'toes. Thanks. My recollection is that each theater had its own magnificant architectural feature. Sounds, however, like the Lowes Valencia was the architectural winner. Has anyone posted interior photos of any of the theaters?

There has been some mention on this site of the Carlton Theater, several blocks to the east on Jamaica Avenue. My family went there back in the ‘50s to see the Red Badge of Courage. The total admission cost for the four of us was less than a dollar. The cost for my sister and me was, I recall, 9 cents and probably 25 cents for my parents. Years later, my sister’s wedding reception was held in that recycled theater, which by then was a catering hall.

DLC commented about RKO Alden Theatre on Dec 9, 2010 at 4:43 pm

The two theaters (Lowes Valencia and RKO Alden) were directly across from each other on Jamaica Avenue. One had a magnificant ceiling with twinkling stars; the other had a beautiful goldfish pond in the lobby.

As a kid in the 1950s I would walk with my friends on Saturdays to partake in the current fare: cartoons, the news, coming attractions, and a double feature, usually westerns.

When technicolor films started to become more common it was always a treat to see a movie “in color”.

Since we never paid attention to scheduled starting times, we would arrive whenever and then leave when the picture re-played and remind each other that “this is where we came in”. It never bothered us that we did not have full continuity in seeing the day’s movies.

It would be wonderful, if there is anything left to preserve, if those magnificant old theathers could be restored to their former glory.