Comments from drivinmanfl

Showing 2 comments

drivinmanfl commented about Quonset Drive-In on Aug 1, 2011 at 4:13 am

whoever did the streetview you are way off this view is Tower Hill Rd and Ten Road Rd, the drive-in was about 2 or 3 miles further north on Route 1 near Quonset. If you google “Devils Foot Road and Namcook Road North Kingstown RI” and point the camera north down Namcook that’s where the drive in was. The land is now a new cul-de-sac just behind Tarbox Toyota.

drivinmanfl commented about Kent Cinemas on Dec 6, 2006 at 11:45 pm

My father showed the movies in cinema 2 from the early 70s until Kent closed. Sometimes I would go with him and sit up in the projection booth with him so I could watch the movies for free!! I was only a kid then, so I thought it was the greatest thing. Was cool how he worked the projectors because movies were on reels back then. He had to get the second one ready before the first one ran out, and not miss a beat in the movies. One time, the second reel didn’t start correctly, so there was about a 5 minute break in the movie until he got it going. I don’t remember what the movie was, though. I do remember seeing a Rocky and Star Wars double feature at the Hilltop Drive-In a couple of miles further down Post Road. I may live in Florida now, and my parents live in Tennessee, but we all have fond memories of little ol' RI!!