Comments from eaze323

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eaze323 commented about Village Theater Orange on Oct 27, 2005 at 10:09 pm

If you folks all cry about the theatre… don’t go there. who the heck whines about missing the end of the credits in a movie. I’ve been going to Captain Blood’s for years with my friends and family and have always had a good time. If you don’t like it, go pay 10 dollars a ticket somewhere else. I actually appreciate the low prices at Captain Blood’s. And please don’t blame the employees for things they can’t control. There’s been times when i have been there when there was only 1 employee working and they sold tickets, concessions, cleaned theatres, and started movies. All while making sure the customers were always helped. I believe they try as hard as they can to make sure everybody has a good time. I love this theatre and will continue to support it for as long as i live in Orange County.