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Comments from elfreunder

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elfreunder commented about Sunrise Drive-In on Sep 3, 2005 at 1:38 pm

Hi BJ, I loved your post. I thought my friends and I were the only ones that still tried to copy the old Sunrise Drive in annoucements and over those old/classic speakers! We still try to copy Fred’s Classic voice to this very day. Anybody who went to Sunrise Drive In, would know that great and unforgetable voice.

From about 1972 to 1980, we spent a lot of time there. Winter or Summer, we loved it. After getting out of college, we still went there, but not as much. Remember the old dusk till dawn days? I believe it was 4 movies? I had a dead battery there one night (winter and raining) and there was only 1 other car left! Or the time there was a fire (next door) on the 4th of July and Fred had to stop the movie because it was too bright to see the film. We all went over and watched them put out the fire, and then went back to the cars! The bathrooms were a bit small, but unforgetable. I remember finding someone sleeping in a stall one night. Man, some great times at Sunrise. I was able to take our daughter there before it closed.

But the greatest moment came when (about 1 year before it closed) we talked to Fred for about 5 minutes. My friends and I were first in-line and it was not open yet. We got out of the car and shook his hand, and told Fred how much we loved Sunrise and that he was somewhat of a legend with his voice. He smiled and kind of laughed, and said thanks. Over the years, that was something that never did change, the classic voice.

I would be super interesting in a DVD that had anything to do with Sunrise Drive in.

  • Eric