Comments from ep64

Showing 2 comments

ep64 commented about Gordon Theatre on Feb 19, 2012 at 8:54 am

After watching the movie,NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD,at the Gordon,I was terrified,leaving the theater after dark,the walk to our home in Adair Park was one of the most frightful moments of my childhood rearing in the West End of the beautiful Atlanta Ga.,Walking “down” Gordon St.[east] toward the railroad overpass I would cross the street to avoid the alcove doors of the shops,so afaraid the Zombies were going to get me any minute,I waited in front of The Krispy Kreme until an adult walked toward the underpass in front of me so the zombies would eat them first and I could run away;

ep64 commented about Gordon Theatre on Jan 27, 2012 at 8:52 am

I was an elementary school student at peoples st. elementary school; the gordon was an afternoon delight.there were many good movies in this theatre before it was a porno establishment.james bond and the pink panther films were just a few to mention,the oversize black chery lollipops were the bomb.I captured many cheek kisses after holding hands in the balcony with the west end girls of atlanta.