Comments from eppydoo

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eppydoo commented about Regal I, II, III on Dec 23, 2008 at 7:49 pm

Right now Encore is showing Planet Terror. I started thinking about “Grindhouses” and thought of The Regal and Googled it then found this site. Back in ‘68 when my Mother was going through some kind of badness I still don’t know the details of my grandpa used to take me and my little brother here on Saturday mornings to see bad horror flicks, I guess to get us out of the mess. I saw The Undertaker and His Pals here. We used to buy big wintergreen mint candies and suck on them rather than eat the hotdogs on sale there. We sat in the balcony because the rumours were that rats ran over your feet on the main floor. For the longest time the alleys around there used to ceawl with drug dealers and I go busted there buying a dime bag of bad green pot once, (let go with a warning). Lots o’ fond memories of that place.