Comments from fastwillie

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fastwillie commented about Regent Showcase Theater on Mar 25, 2012 at 10:06 am

I went to this theater many times through out the years of 1944-19447. Lived at 834 N Formosa. On Saturday mornings they had kids movies and gave away during itermission, prices. I also delivered the Los Angeles Hearld Newspaper as a 8 eight old. One day after exiting this theater,at 5:00 PM relized I had for gotten to deliver my papers,at 3:99 that day. When I got home, my Dad and I jumped in his 41 Buick and the papers got delivered. I know live in Corona, CA. When ever I get out that way, I always try to drive by this theater, and remember my youth. I had my first Banana Split(36 cents)next door to the theater. Thanks for the memouirs.