just before the screen comes down

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Tiny william lewis

Featured Theater

just before the screen comes down

South Chester Drive-In

Bakersfield, CA

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Uploaded on: October 10, 2012

Size: 334.9 KB

Views: 2,260


just before the screen comes down

just before the screen comes down

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Comments (2)

drawbridge commented about just before the screen comes down on Feb 21, 2015 at 4:46 pm

Thank you for posting this. That day was sad, but inevitable. RIP, old friend. The South Chester screen was smaller than others, but stood higher. Bakersfield needs a drive-in theater again.

william lewis
william lewis commented about just before the screen comes down on Jul 26, 2015 at 2:24 am

I took videos of the screen coming down. Search Google https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zXX7k9UJI8

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