Lyric Theatre 47 Eighth Avenue, Maylands, WA - A New Picture Theatre for Maylands - 1923

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Lyric Theatre

Lyric Theatre

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Lyric Theatre  47 Eighth Avenue, Maylands, WA - A New Picture Theatre for Maylands  - 1923

The West Australian Newspaper (Perth, WA) Sat 1 Sep 1923 Page 12.

A NEW PICTURE THEATRE FOR MAYLANDS. The Debut movie is The Universal Production “The Flirt”

Friday Aug 31, 1923 at 7.50pm – What is probably the most modern and best appointed picture theatre in the suburban area was opened last night by Mr. A. Clydesdale. M.L.A., at Maylands. The new structure is known as the Lyric Theatre, and was built to the order of Mr. H. C. Leister, who has been a resident of Maylands for some years. In it brief address Mr. Clydesdale commented upon the progress of the district of May lands during the past 15 years and expressed the thought that it would continue to advance at an even greater rate in the near future. In America, said Mr. Clydesdale, any unusual occasion or cere mony of a similar nature to the one being performed would be opened by the entire audience singing ‘America.’ That custom had extended to Canada and the idea was worthy of adoption in Australia. He declared the theatre open. Mr. E. W. Hamer (chairman of the Perth Road Board) endorsed Mr. Clydesdale’s remarks and good wishes for the success of the* enterprise. Mr. H. C. Leister, the proprietor, thanked the speakers for their expressions of goodwill.

Family fare

The pictures that screen at The Lyric Theatre will be the result of the most careful selection, and special attention will be devoted to programmes for children on Saturday afternoon matinees. The initial programme comprised comedy, scenic and comedy drama, the star film being the Universal production ‘The Flirt.’ During the evening vocal items were pleasingly rendered by Miss Violet Peet and Mr. Roy Glenister – The Flirt was a 1922 silent movie & starred: George Nichols, Lydia Knott, Eileen Percy – Contributed by Greg Lynch –

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