Photos favorited by gavsygoo

  • <p>Hoyburn Theatre, Evanston, IL in 1916</p>
  • <p>The main theater in July of 2004</p>
  • <p>1938 photo courtesy of Sherry Drew.</p>
  • <p>1979 photo credit Dale Wickum.</p>
  • <p>From American Classic Images: The Parkway Theater, 2738 N. Clark Street,<br>Chicago, IL 60614 July 1982</p>
  • <p>Mid `50’s photo courtesy of J.J. Sedelmaier.</p>
  • <p>04/05/81-06/07/81 schedule originally posted in the comments by scorceseisgod on 8/25/07. Link now dead.</p>
  • <p>December 1956 photo courtesy of Mike Tuggle.
              Both street cars reportedly chartered by a rail fan group.</p>
  • <p>1974 photo credit & copyright © Sun-Times Media, LLC.</p>
  • <p>Wider, same day shot of the 1974 photo credit & copyright © Sun-Times Media, LLC</p>
  • <p>Here is the full size 1934 photo.</p>