Comments from GDellaFa

Showing 1 - 25 of 65 comments

GDellaFa commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Jan 25, 2025 at 4:39 pm

GDellaFa commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Jan 5, 2025 at 10:46 am

Renovation work started in earnest about three months ago. Photos and news are hard to come by, but the entire exterior is covered in scaffolding and the interior has been cleaned out. That’s all I know. They are still estimating next year to reopen.

GDellaFa commented about Fulton Theatre on May 9, 2020 at 7:48 am

I would give my eye teeth to see interior photos of this theatre.

GDellaFa commented about Hudson Mall Cinemas 7 on May 9, 2020 at 7:46 am

Sorry to hear this theatre closed. It was a great place to see a movie once upon a time. It was a modern and well run presentation house. Professional. It slowly faded over time.

GDellaFa commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Jan 28, 2014 at 4:09 pm

Yay! Thanks! I’ll be there!!!

GDellaFa commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Jan 23, 2014 at 5:51 pm

Any films scheduled for January of February 2014?

GDellaFa commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Jan 2, 2014 at 6:57 pm

Any chance this could ever be shown at the Loew’s Jersey on the big screen?:

GDellaFa commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Apr 8, 2013 at 3:25 pm

bolorkay: I know exactly how you feel. I practically grew up in the Loew’s Jersey, being from Jersey City. As a kid, I was there almost every weekend. I remember when the organ was taken out, and I was heartbroken when the theatre was divided into a tri-plex. The only good thing about the tri-plex was that if you ordered tickets for Theatre 3 (I think it was), you got to sit in the balcony, and the movie was shown on the original screen. Of course it is far, far better in its restored configuration. In my opinion, I think they know what they have in the Loew’s Jersey, but unfortunately, its location comes with “Jersey politics.” It is definitely a gem; and given that it still shows movies and has a theatre pipe organ, that makes it rare and special today. It is truly one of the grand old palaces. Thank goodness we still have it!

GDellaFa commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Apr 7, 2013 at 3:07 pm

My guess is it’s just political rhetoric. The Loew’s Jersey has built momentum and popularity. It will continue to grow and improve over time.

GDellaFa commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Apr 7, 2013 at 10:44 am

OK, what’s going on with the City of Jersey City this time? “I am not committing more taxpayers dollars to the Loew’s theater,” Healy said.

GDellaFa commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Sep 30, 2012 at 10:55 am

Aren’t there any movies/events scheduled for October 2012? All the website shows right now is the Farmers Market…

GDellaFa commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Aug 8, 2012 at 3:59 pm

Thanks for posting this, Tinseltoes. Gee, the theatre looks brand-spanking new with the paper on the stairs. I’m sure the owners had a sense of pride in their theatres back then.

GDellaFa commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Jul 5, 2012 at 5:14 pm

Not to be a party pooper, but is the FoTL planning on a replacement for their 35mm projection system? Or perhaps they need both digital and 35mm? I just saw a figure of $70,000 for a independent San Francisco house. Perhaps this only applies to new films, which the Loew’s does not show. If classic films continue to be available in 35mm prints, perhaps this isn’t an issue for the Loew’s? Do we need to start a fund-raising drive? Just wondering…

GDellaFa commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on May 22, 2012 at 12:21 pm

I can also make out the double water tower on top of the Loew’s. I found the Stanley!—bottom left side. If you go up from the Loew’s about 1 inch in the photo, there is a nice full view of the old State Theatre (demolished). Pretty impressive entertainment area in its day: 9,800 theatre seats within a short city block walk.

GDellaFa commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on May 21, 2012 at 4:09 pm

Tinseltoes, Great photo! Thanks for sharing. This was taken in the early 1970s because the PATH station is still under construction, probably before the theatre was tri-plexed.

GDellaFa commented about ROXY NY 1946 on Apr 24, 2012 at 5:32 pm

Heartbreaking. Thank you SO much for posting this, but when I see it I feel absolutely deprived and cheated. This theatre should still exist. Period. The great cathedrals of Europe still exist; why not the “new world” cathedrals such as the Roxy. This is quite an amazing photo. Swanson was always loyal to the Roxy; from a time with loyalty meant something in Hollywood.

GDellaFa commented about Roxy Theatre on Apr 24, 2012 at 5:24 pm

Sorry I missed the Roxy Theatre, being born in 1961. Guess there is absolutely no chance it could ever be rebuilt? Let’s see: $150 million for the building alone (given inflation since 1927), plus the cost of demolition of the crappy office building that replaced it, plus the cost of the land and existing crappy building. I suppose not. “You don’t appreciate what you’ve got till its gone…” Great Roxy Theatre, you are dearly missed. Can we at least have a plaque on TGI Fridays? Perhaps on 50th Street in an inconspicuous place? Just a thought.

GDellaFa commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Mar 21, 2012 at 6:01 pm

I’m hoping that the resolution will increase and prices will decrease before the Loew’s has to go to digital projection. My best advice is to plan for it now and keep the film rolling as long as possible. It is inevitable, so it is best to obtain the funds as soon as possible and run film as long as possible. Prices and quality will improve over time. Movies are the life blood of this theatre right now, so projection equipment has to be the priority.

GDellaFa commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Mar 6, 2012 at 3:59 pm

Mikeoaklandpark: the curtain opens across, just like it did in 1929. It’s the same texture as the valance, and looks like it can take any color.

GDellaFa commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Mar 6, 2012 at 3:56 pm

mdvoskin: about the space alien helmets…I thought about squares, but then folks might take that as “blockheads.” (–: Aliens seemed preferable…

GDellaFa commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Mar 5, 2012 at 6:20 pm

As more is revealed, the place just gets better and better…

GDellaFa commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Mar 5, 2012 at 6:18 pm

Photos of the cleaned valences (my own, from yesterday’s excursion). Look for the crystal highpoints…

Not to mention the new traveler curtain:

Thoughts welcome!…

GDellaFa commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Mar 5, 2012 at 4:02 pm

That’s great news about the new stage lighting. Looking forward to the continued improvements. Please consider continuing to use the original balcony flood positions—as one element of the lighting. The beams of light from those positions do something impressive for the auditorium during a show. It could be an “ah, ha” moment for the visitor. As in, “gee, sometimes they knew what they were doing in 1929.”

Totally unrelated question: is there a name for the central figure in the main cove over the stage (the one with the sunburst coming out of her)? Thanks, again.

GDellaFa commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Mar 5, 2012 at 3:47 pm

And it’s very windy at Journal Square!

Thanks for answering our questions. I still need to learn that patience is a virtue.

GDellaFa commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Mar 4, 2012 at 5:32 pm

Has the proscenium arch been cleaned? because it looked just great today. It is obviously better lit now, but it also looks cleaner to me for some reason… Thanks. What a precious jewel we have here in NJ! It could (perhaps it already has) become internationally famous. Not only is it a classic example of a movie palace, showing classic movies the real way (no pun intended), and has the theatre pipe organ (and a magnificent first rate instrument); but the theatre is also one of the most beautiful of it’s genre—no question.

Anyway, back to my question: has the arch been cleaned?

Also I noticed some definite improvements in stage lighting today. Are you using the balcony railing spotting bays again? It looked like it from where I was sitting. That would be neat if you were…

And I wouldn’t truly care if I didn’t raise a couple of concerns: why is the left most (from the auditorium) rear exit curtained off? I would think a restoration would be about re-opening all of the public spaces. Also, why are you keeping that hideous looking “box” room at the back of the auditorium orchestra level? A long time ago, I thought it might be used as a control room of some sort, but so far…