Comments from gentillyorleans

Showing 3 comments

gentillyorleans commented about Skyvue Drive-In on Mar 7, 2012 at 10:10 am

I stand corrected, the Skyvue did open on March 9, 1951.

gentillyorleans commented about Cine Royale Theatre on Mar 7, 2012 at 9:50 am

Well friends, let’s go back a bit further. The theatre at 912 Canal Street was first known as the Wonderland, and was acquired by Henry Lazarus in the 1920’s. He already owned the Newcomb Theatre, next door, at 908 Canal Street. In 1934, they lost their lease on the Newcomb. In 1934, there was a fire that partially destroyed the Wonderland. Mr. Lazarus gutted the entire theatre and built an entirely new modern theatre. It opened on October 26, 1936 as the Center Theatre. The Lazarus family operated it until 1967, when Isadore Larazus had a heart attack. It was completely remodeled, then leased to National General Theatres, then to Mann theatres, then to George Echols, who changed the viewing policy to adult films, then to Essex. one of the better adult theatre operators. As for those who dislike the fact that ‘sleeze’ product was shown at some of these theatres, I have a differing opinion. If adult movies had not continued to keep some old theatres operating, such as the Paris (circa 1903) the Cine' Royale (1920’s), the Cinerama (circa 1963), the Tiger-Riget-Grit (circa 1950), they would have closed, probably been demolished, and I would have never had the opportunity to work in these fine historic theatres, and learn about the rich history that took place at each though the years. So from my point of view, I am very happy that these theatres were open when I began working in the business (1972). It allowed me to have the opportunity to learn more of the history of these incredible classic theatres, regardless what they were showing.

gentillyorleans commented about Twinkle Star Drive-In on Jan 11, 2012 at 6:05 pm

I’ve confirmed with Judy Crews, a lady who has worked in drive-in theatres since 1958, that the Twinkle Star was indeed on the corner of 92 & Dairy Road. She said it’s still a vacant lot, and the ramps are still visable.