Comments from grinnellprojectionist

Showing 2 comments

grinnellprojectionist commented about Grinnell Drive-In on Jun 12, 2017 at 3:51 pm

I was the assistant mgr/projectionist there from 1976 to 1978. We had a great time there and I think the customers did as well.

grinnellprojectionist commented about Strand Theatres on Jun 12, 2017 at 3:50 pm

I had the pleasure of being working at the Cinema (under George Mart who was essentially just a figure head at the time and passed away a year or so after I started). I began as the first male concessionaire. A dubious distinction no doubt. I was promoted to projectionist and then projectionist/assistant manager of both the drive-in and hard top, as we referred to the Cinema (aka Strand). At the time, the Cinema, though only about 6 years post remodeling showed signs of age. All sorts of rumors abounded about things that happened in the basement (where amongst the storage areas for popcorn, posters, etc oddly enough there was a mattress on the floor. All in all, it was a great first job. I worked there with many great people and this job ultimately lead me towards a film career, wherein I worked as a producer of TV commercials and other content.