Comments from GStaples

Showing 3 comments

GStaples commented about Everyman Bristol on Oct 15, 2002 at 6:05 am

The developer has submitted his appeal agianst the council’s decision. A public inquiry is now to be held on March 18th 2003.

GStaples commented about Everyman Bristol on Jul 22, 2002 at 8:31 am

Latest News: The plans for the health club were unanimously and robustly rejected by the council’s planning committee. The new owner intends to appeal. So first battle of the war won, but sadly the building remains boarded up!

GStaples commented about Everyman Bristol on Mar 19, 2002 at 4:32 am

Despite ever increasing deviousness by the developer we are still optimistic that the health club plans will be turned down. There are people with a serious bid to re-open it as a cinema. One major stumbling block is the restrictive covenant imposed by Odeon when they sold it preventing it being used a cinema. Isn’t that a marvellous gesture to our community? All done by a company that professes to be “Fanatic about film” and has a name that symbolizes the golden age of movies. Oscar Deutsch the founder of Odeon must be turning in his grave.