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Comments from HeidiD

Showing 3 comments

HeidiD commented about Chance Theater on Sep 21, 2010 at 2:54 pm

To: IconGate – I emailed you today, if you don’t get it, please let me know. Heidi DD

HeidiD commented about Chance Theater on Aug 14, 2009 at 3:08 pm

I researched the place – Mike Chiriati and Larry Plover, the owners of Frivolous Sal’s Last Chance Saloon (The Last Chance), used to tell me that I spent more time there than they did. We believed it was haunted so I set out to prove it. Never found a death only an attempted murder. But I have volumes of stuff on this place including a still photo from 1912 of it from a film that I learned that the FDR Museum had. I loved this place but have not been back except once since it changed over to The Chance. Too young for me now – but it’s still a great building!

HeidiD commented about Clune's Auditorium on Aug 14, 2009 at 2:34 pm

Hi – I recently purchased a program that says: Auditorium Los Angeles, Sparks M Berry Manager. On the inside it says: Auditorium “Theater Beautiful” only fire proof theater in the city – program published by T. Newman, 204-207 Mason Opera House. On the back there’s an ad: After the Theatre is over dine at The Angelus Grill

Do you think this is the same theatre to which you are referring here? I don’t know the year but the date was Wednesday 4/24 and the play was: The Confederate Spy
