Comments from Hinkley00

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Hinkley00 commented about Lewiston, Maine "Empire" to be Demolished on Apr 29, 2005 at 5:51 am

Sorry, the link I provided changes daily. You’ll need to select the April 27th’s paper. You can still use the link provided.

Hinkley00 commented about Lewiston, Maine "Empire" to be Demolished on Apr 27, 2005 at 7:14 am

I work in Lewiston, and drive by the theatre often. I never thought much of the building because they had stripped the facade and it had been vacant for 20 years. I had assumed that it had also been stripped inside, but still I always wanted to see it.
Last monday, a co-worker was walking by and the doors were open because of the demolition. So he snuck in to take a look and he said that it was simply beautiful. The red velvet seats were still there, the hardwood floors, the balcony high above the grand stage with the curtains even. It was all there! He said you could even see the ticket booth and the great big doors that led into the theatre. That was last Monday, 4/18. Today it’s nothing but a skeleton. I missed it, I could cry! If I’d only known. By the end of the weekend, it will be gone. It’s so sad that people don’t realize that they’re throwing history away for a parking lot! When it’s gone, it’s gone. (click on the front page)