Comments from IconGate

Showing 2 comments

IconGate commented about Chance Theater on Sep 22, 2010 at 12:56 pm

To: Heidi DD – yes, received your email and did reply.

IconGate commented about Chance Theater on Sep 20, 2010 at 6:01 pm

for Heidi DD from two posts above:

How can we contact you?? I am the producer of a show that has been filming episodes at The Chance Theater in Poughkeepsie.

On Saturday 09/18/2010 a full crew of paranormal investigators spent 7 hours exploring The Chance. They found some incredible proof of “haunted” spirits. I’m talking A LOT of proof!!

We would love to speak with you and possibly include you as part of this… you have volumes of stuff? … perhaps you can help piece together the past with what the investigators found?

also anybody else here with any information or that would want to take part please email to

any help is welcome
thank you!!