Comments from inkedmonkey

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inkedmonkey commented about Massac Theatre on Jul 10, 2009 at 1:13 pm

I had been saying for years how great it would be for the Massac Theater to be restored, and I was happy to hear that Lisa Gower and several other like-minded citizens in Metropolis had taken up the cause of preserving and protecting this wonderful old movie house.
While I can’t do much financially to help save the Massac, I have spoken with Lisa and donated my services as a videographer and film editor so we can create a documentary to capture the community’s memories of the theater, and to hopefully help bring in further financial support by educating people as to the dire need to restore this beautiful theater.
In order to do this, though, we’re going to need people who are willing to speak on camera. Even more important, we need pictures of the theater from its heyday- including pictures from inside and outside to show how the theater looked when it was operating. (And if anyone has any pictures from its opening- or from its early days- that would be a major windfall for this project!)
If anyone has any information or photos that they would like to contribute for this documentary, or if anyone would like to be interviewed or help out in the production, please email me at Beyond photos and interviewees, we just need someone who would be willing to donate their services as a hair and makeup person to help our interviewees look good on camera.