Comments from Jerseygirl4159

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Jerseygirl4159 commented about Union Theaters on Feb 20, 2006 at 3:04 pm

I remember going to this theater in the late 70’s/early 80’s and I believe at the time it was a twin. I thought there were only 4 screens in there at present; however, I cannot fathom where they could have possible fit 7 screens in this place.

Jerseygirl4159 on Feb 20, 2006 at 3:00 pm

Hey Paul, I definitely remember the Lost Picture Show, but for the life of me, I can’t remember what street it was on! The only movie theater I went to in Union was the one in Union center, which, if memory serves me correctly, was a twin when I went there. Now I think there are 4 screens in there. Don’t ask me how they could have possible done that in the limited space that they had.

Jerseygirl4159 commented about Bow-Tie Millburn Cinema 4 on Feb 20, 2006 at 2:54 pm

I was in this theater in 1978 and do not recall whether it was twinned at that time, but I do not think it was. Me and a friend went to go see the movie, The Boys in Company C.

Jerseygirl4159 commented about Bow-Tie Millburn Cinema 4 on Feb 20, 2006 at 2:54 pm

I was in this theater in 1978 and do not recall whether it was twinned at that time, but I do not think it was. Me and a friend went to go see the movie, The Boys in Company C.

Jerseygirl4159 commented about Bow-Tie Millburn Cinema 4 on Feb 20, 2006 at 2:51 pm

I was in this theater in 1978 and do not recall whether it was twinned at that time, but I do not think it was. Me and a friend went to go see the movie, The Boys in Company C.

Jerseygirl4159 commented about Art Theater on Feb 20, 2006 at 2:47 pm

I grew up in Irvington and graduated IHS in 1977. Boy, do I remember the Art Theater. When I was about 13, coming home from Irvington Center, we used to run by the Art Theater really fast because the male ticket collector was an perverted old man who used to make comments to us every time we walked by. The place really creeped me out as a kid. I didn’t quite understand what the whole porno thing was at that age; but the way my mother explained it, it was a movie theater that showed “dirty” movies. The only people me and my friends ever saw going in and out of there were men, mostly older. I was glad to see that it became a senior citizen center in the late 70’s.

Jerseygirl4159 commented about Castle Theater on Feb 20, 2006 at 2:42 pm

I grew up in Irvington and graduated IHS in 1977. My movie theater of choice was always the Sanford Theater. However, I do remember one specific visit to the Castle Theater to see the movie Tommy. There had to be about 600 kids in there, all of us on hallocinogens of one kind or another, tripping in the Castle Theater watching Tommy. I also believe they had a balcony which I was sitting in during this movie! LOL!! I believe at a later time, they were the only theater in Irvington that started doing the Rocky Horror Picture Show as I had some friends that used to go.

Jerseygirl4159 commented about Chancellor Theatre on Feb 20, 2006 at 2:37 pm

I grew up in Irvington and graduated from IHS in 1977. As far back as I can remember, the Chancellor was always a dump. I grew up on the other side of town, so is was easier for me to just walk to the Sanford or to the Castle. I’m sure the reason Jerry Lewis was featured there was because he lived above the Roxy Drug Store which was a few storefronts down on the corner of Chancellor and Union Avenues. I left Irvington in 1983 and couldn’t tell you whether the Chancellor was still in operation at that time or not. I do not recall it being a porno theater. The only porno theater I remember in Irvington was at the base of Irvington center past the Dairy Queen and was called The Art Theater, which is now a senior citizens building. As “movie guy” stated above, I also remember the Chancellor being closed during the summer.

Jerseygirl4159 commented about Sanford Theater on Feb 20, 2006 at 2:31 pm

I grew up in Irvington; graduated IHS in 1977. I have many fond memories of the Sanford Theater and went there several times. I remember seeing Born Free there, The Love Bug and Lady Sings the Blues. Unfortunately, memory fails me as to the rest of the movies I saw there. I remember seeing cartoons before the movie as well and as “movie guy” stated above, I also remember the vacant lot next to the theater. I remember the lobby being on an incline as you walked to the ticket person; then through doors into the main lobby of the theater where the snack area was. I also remember the ushers constantly walking through the theater shining their flashlights down the rows of moviegoers, the architecture of the ceiling and the curtain that opened when the show was about to begin. I have not been to Irvington a quite a few years; however, the last time I drove down Springfield Avenue, a Home Liquors was now standing where the Sanford Theater used to be.