Comments from jessicat

Showing 3 comments

jessicat commented about Village Theater Orange on Feb 4, 2007 at 10:16 pm

Hey cmk email me your num at do you know anything about our w-2?s

jessicat commented about Village Theater Orange on Jan 26, 2007 at 9:45 pm

As for the ugly floor we did the best we could with that floor I needed a paint job which of course he expected 2 h.s kids a tired college student and a kid with a second job to find the time to paint it while running the theatre ….ALONE he expect the me to give my blood sweat and tears when I was a fulltime student who has to take care of her house duties and her boyfriend (I was a wife basically) and I couldn’t that job hurt my school and my relationship I was tired at school and emotionally unstable in my relationship he was rubbin off on me and I was at times testy with my employees that job killed me I put 40 plus hrs just from thurs to sun and still called in or stopped by on my days off to do shopping or count the money I should have stolen money like he accused me off that job stole my life

jessicat commented about Village Theater Orange on Jan 26, 2007 at 9:34 pm

I was a manager at the village I cared about every customer that went to that went to MY theatre :::sigh:::: you just can’t work with that man he was barnone the most abusive and craziest boss I ever had I would work 13hr days an it wasn’t good enough so I quit……I assisted in the downfall of the village…and working under that man made me a horrible person because of all the stress I endured……I wish his daughter melissa the best she is a saint and a hard worker eric his accountant call me I need my w-2 (same number) todd blood was a horibble boss I mean really how many managers work 13hr days at 675hr he stil had the b*lls to call me like 2 weeks after I quit to leave me a mean message on my phone yelling and cursing that drunk better not get near any of the old employee he insulted he went as far as to say my employee was lazy because “fat people are lazy” as he said all his employees did the best they could with the crappy equipment he had ….I apologize for all the bad expiriences but we tried our best we were just beat emotianlly..todd knew his equipment was shitty but he was to cheap to pay to get it fixed and he was a bad pay so no one would come work for him…one of my employees got choked by a mad customer because todd wouldn’t fix his sound systems