Comments from John45_Flicfan

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John45_Flicfan commented about Brockville Arts Centre on Apr 16, 2017 at 10:50 pm

The Regent Theatre was my introduction to Cinema. When I was 5 or 6, in the early 50’s, my father used to take me to the movies on Friday night. I especially liked the Regent because they showed a double feature usually of grade B Westerns. I figured that was a better deal because the Capital down the street showed only one movie. My father told me about the “serials” he used to see from the second balcony when he was younger. After the show we would trek accross the street to ‘Howison’s store’ where I was allowed to buy a bag of candy for a quarter. I was heart broken when the Regent closed but I’m glad to see the theatre still in use for live performances as well as the occasional flic.