Comments from johnc114

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johnc114 commented about Auditorium, Brighton Theatre, Oct. 1990 on Jun 6, 2018 at 9:09 am

if the floor is shins its because the gum build up makes it shin… will make you loose your shoes!! Found a 5 dollar bill stuck to the floor…..I mean stuck period.

johnc114 commented about Brighton Theatre on Jun 2, 2018 at 11:59 pm

Mr. VintageBobVintageBob unfortunately I do not, but I had. I can tell you I had of the candy stand, entry exit and box office. The ticket collection stand where one of us would collect and tear the ticket handing half back to the customer. I had a shot of my friend Chuck who was or wished he was a Bruce Lee. He was showing me a move and he ended up putting his elbow through the top of the glass top of the candy counter. Believe me I had a bunch of the entire place but a flood in Hammond Ind in 2006 flooded our by-level. Changing the bulbs on the interior vertical strips of the theater was hell. The ladder was narrow, it was loose and wobbled, you packed your pockets with bulbs and went up hoping you come down the same way….by ladder.

We still had to shovel coal into a hopper which feed the furnace. Then every Monday a man would come and shovel the ashes into a 55 gallon drum and carry it up the stairs.

I could ramble on but hey it was a good place to work at 1.95 an hour. The operators union controlled that. After I grad from HS, I got a raise to 2.11……White Castle here I come. John

johnc114 commented about Brighton Theater Ceiling on Jun 1, 2018 at 7:04 pm

Ohhh yes, it fun going up there and changing out the 15 watt bulbs. Then having a bulb fight ( throwing) over the dome By the way, bulbs were white and the dome was dark orange. if anyone knows, you have to crawl the plank.

johnc114 commented about Brighton Theatre on Jun 1, 2018 at 6:41 pm

Hi everyone, I can tell you I was an Usher and then assistant Manager. I repaired those great looking leather seats, used to sell tickets collect tickets, janitor the house, change the sign outside in the freezing cold. There from 74-77. Name the names I can tell you. Any questions email me at Thanks for all the pics …..brings back memories.