Comments from johnh10000

Showing 5 comments

johnh10000 commented about Maindee Cinema on Oct 6, 2010 at 4:01 am

Thanks again for thoughs. I can now take some aproximate ones , now to compaire them. whilst do some research on this last night, tripped over this fab site.

on one of the lnks pic in the lest sqr odeon, box, with thire follow spot, safty curton everything. Didn’t go to bed till 6!!

johnh10000 commented about Maindee Cinema on Oct 5, 2010 at 5:45 pm

My friends this afternoon, sugested do a search for (forgive spelling) Art Deco cinemas buildings,in the uk, you get the idea. Apprently we’ll get a lot of railway stations, in London and the South coast. When I do said search, will post in here.

If anyone else does it b4 me, please post any intresting findings here please.

johnh10000 commented about Maindee Cinema on Oct 5, 2010 at 1:12 pm

Well that may help, as I’d guessthey’d run a “new” film, so we’re looking at feb/march. Will try to hit the micro film later this week.

johnh10000 commented about Maindee Cinema on Oct 5, 2010 at 9:29 am

Wow, thanks! The rest of my stuff for now is at

You don’t know what month or even day, it opened as a cinema do you? 1939, but wot month.

I don’t fancy going through a year of micro film!

johnh10000 commented about Maindee Cinema on Sep 8, 2010 at 12:46 pm

Well near the end of sept I will be putting up a website featuring this building. I an a regular in the pub and know the old “Rewind Boy”. So we are going to make him a presentation, soon. After that the pics will be posted.

As to exterior, we were more interested in the interior ones, but I go there fairly often, will take some!