What a shame!!! The perfect spot for art films, local talent, and other off-beat ventures. Boston’s Mayor Mennino must be totally ignorant of what is going on in Philadelphia and other cities – large and small – throughout the country. He is totally lax in not being more aware. Get him out!!!
I worked for EM Loew when the Pubix was still open and showing double features. It did a very good business as well as his Center across the street. I have been following the recent events with interest and if I were still in Boston would be carrying banners to urge its salvation. What an idal spot for a classic film/ art film/ local talent spot. I have leads for those who may be able to help. Let me know if you are interested. Joh Lelecas Ft. Lauderdale
What a shame!!! The perfect spot for art films, local talent, and other off-beat ventures. Boston’s Mayor Mennino must be totally ignorant of what is going on in Philadelphia and other cities – large and small – throughout the country. He is totally lax in not being more aware. Get him out!!!
I worked for EM Loew when the Pubix was still open and showing double features. It did a very good business as well as his Center across the street. I have been following the recent events with interest and if I were still in Boston would be carrying banners to urge its salvation. What an idal spot for a classic film/ art film/ local talent spot. I have leads for those who may be able to help. Let me know if you are interested. Joh Lelecas Ft. Lauderdale