Comments from jtdroze

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jtdroze commented about Portofino Theatre on May 3, 2022 at 10:51 am

The Portofino Theater in Scottsdale, Arizona got its start as a coffee house in September 1958 and was operated by Louis Leithold. The Portofino Theater was advertised in conjunction with the Kiva Theater that was located directly across the street. The Portofino Theater closed as a coffee house during September 1960 and re-opened as the Cinema Portofino on Friday, October 21, 1960. During September 1963, Louis Leithold sold his leasehold interest in both the Cinema Portofino Theater and the Kiva Theater to the Art Theater Guild headed by Louis K. Sher. The Portofino Theater closed during September 1985.

jtdroze commented about Round-Up Drive-In on May 3, 2022 at 10:37 am

The Round-Up drive-in theater opened on Friday, November 4, 1955. The last advertisement for the Round-Up drive-in theater appeared in the February 24, 1980 edition of the Arizona Republic newspaper.