Comments from KeithMcCool

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KeithMcCool commented about Belle Air Drive-In on Aug 29, 2012 at 9:09 am

I started my “career” in the theatre Biz @ age 13 by changing posters at the Anas/Strand/State & Cove theatres in Weirton. Wasn’t long before I was a projectionist.As indicated above, I moved on to the Drive In theater near the PA border & Paris, PA. Enlisted in the AF in 1951. Lots of Memories of Jack & Wanda Cassella & the gang…they stay with you forever!

KeithMcCool commented about Belle Air Drive-In on Feb 6, 2012 at 7:25 pm

My name is: Keith McCool. I was a projectionist @ the Belle Air Drive In theater.It was in Weirton Heights 1950-1951. I was age 18. The manager/owner at that time got upset because I was 10 minutes late for my scheduled arrival time…a full 30-40 Mins. before showtime! He came into the booth half way thru the movie and fired me because I was late ‘according his schedule’ – After he left & returned to the Box Office at the entrance I loaded up the last reel, let it get to about 5 minutes of film left,and I left!! As I drove out the exit gate I could see him screaming and all the cars honking becasue there was NO picture on the screen. Needless to say, it was time for me to join the Air force! By the way, I was a projectionist at theatres at Chanute AFB, Illinois. Spent 12 & ½ years active duty. Best assignment:Berlin, Germany. I was there before the wall, during the wall & after the wall! I consider myself ‘ein Berliner!! Prosit!! Keith