Comments from kelleypi

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kelleypi commented about New Baxter Theater on Jul 12, 2018 at 2:37 pm

My mother worked at the Ritz as a teenager, but it was closed in the 1940s or at least by the early 50s, because I never saw it open. I was born in 1947 and as a small child spent a lot of time downtown. I started attending movies at the New Baxter Theater when I was about 5 years old. On Saturday, we would have a afternoon matinee with two full length movies, previews, a cartoon, and a serial feature. Thus, you spent the entire afternoon there. The Ritz was restored and recently reopened thanks to Ron Puckett and his wife. The New Baxter Theater, after being a furniture store for years is part of a project to turn most of the block into a classic car museum, set to open in October 2018.