Comments from kevin51

Showing 14 comments

kevin51 commented about Need advice on movie theater startup costs on Apr 14, 2006 at 11:43 am

call mini theatres 631 758 3456 they are movie brokers they can help you getting set up with all the movie companies for film ask for jeff.

kevin51 commented about Need advice on movie theater startup costs on Apr 14, 2006 at 11:32 am

Check out Cinema sources 1 800 231 8849 ask for Brian he has done many installs and conversions he could give you pretty close to exact costs if you have all the specs, he also could help you get used equipment and help you on getting finances good luck.

kevin51 commented about Need advice on movie theater startup costs on Apr 14, 2006 at 11:32 am

Check out Cinema sources 1 800 231 8849 ask for Brian he has done many installs and conversions he could give you pretty close to exact costs if you have all the specs, he also could help you get used equipment and help you on getting finances good luck.

kevin51 commented about State Theatre on Dec 22, 2005 at 5:09 pm

Yes the Lisbon landing Theatres have killed our business thats why my predecessors have faired not very well.

kevin51 commented about State Theatre on Dec 22, 2005 at 5:07 pm

Yes the theatre is only open on weekends because little or no one comes in Mon _ Thurs. And it is extremely expensive to heat the building for only a handfull of people. We have been showing first run art movies such as Pride and Prejudice and Good Night and Good Luck. but because our low attendance the movie companies will not make us new prints untill we can boost our attendance dramaticlly.So now we will be getting art films as they come off other theatres. We had tried running Kids films on Saturday and Sunday afternoons with little or no attendance.Also I have had Tried a few second run movies with the same result.

kevin51 commented about State Theatre on Dec 21, 2005 at 6:23 pm

I am the fourth owner of this theatre since 2003. I am trying to keep it going even though I am losing losing money every day that I am open. I love these old neighborhood moviehouses and I am not doing this for the money.It is becoming extremely harder to do business since local papers like the Norwich Bulletin and New London day no longer will list movie times for free. I am presently showing art films trying to build a following for these films I would appreciate it if all you wonderful people would try to get the word out for me so I can keep this wonderful theatre open. THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR HELP.

kevin51 commented about State Theatre on Oct 20, 2005 at 7:01 pm

we hope to have the theatre re opened sometime in november. details as i can give them to everyone i will post thank you

kevin51 commented about Park Theatre on Sep 19, 2005 at 6:50 pm

i guess they lied to you i passed by there the other day and the marquee is being torn down such a shame

kevin51 commented about Forest Theatre on Jul 21, 2005 at 7:08 pm

if you have 10 grand to blow a month you can lease the theater 2 store fronts and 2 family house next to it they will not seperate them. they are waiting for a pharmacy to lease it. they already have a cvs across the street and a walgreens down the street. i already tried to work something out with the theater to no avail

kevin51 commented about Fine Arts Theater on Feb 17, 2005 at 9:19 pm

the theater has been closed for about ten years now. Dennis is the property manager for the plaza. They will not lease out this building because the entire plaza is being sold to redevelopers .the management company phone no. is 203 846 9095 .

kevin51 commented about Forest Theatre on Nov 24, 2004 at 8:32 pm

The 2 store fronts to this theatre are now empty the last being a flower store. I called the realtor who said they are hoping to have a letter of intent from a perspective buyer or leasee. When i asked about its possible use they said it was not a theatre. i put several calls to the owner who has not returned any of my calls.

kevin51 commented about Strand Theatre on Nov 19, 2004 at 5:57 pm

Recently went there to see Celluar and the place looks great. A new larger screen to see movies and a nice clean theatre with good sound and reasonable prices made it great.

kevin51 commented about Palace Theatre on Nov 19, 2004 at 5:53 pm

Palace Reopened last week after 18 years with Tony Bennett opening it he was also the last performer there when it closed. Waterbury spent 30 million on the restoration.

kevin51 commented about Elm Theatre on Nov 19, 2004 at 5:45 pm

Just watched the 6oclock news elm demolition started today