Comments from Larryinrsm

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Larryinrsm commented about Suzore Theatre #1 on May 30, 2015 at 7:19 pm

Does anyone know/remember which Suzore Theater was next door to a fire station? My grandfather was the projectionist there. I used to ride with him to go pick up the big film canisters and spent many hours with him in the projection booth while the movies were running.

Mr. Suzore used to give me free popcorn and soda to have while watching the movie. I only got to go to the matinees because I was so young and couldn’t stay up for the night time showings. After the movies were over I would go through the empty theater looking for coins people had dropped in the dark and rolled towards the screen because of the sloped floor. I did OK for a 7-yr old. While I was waiting for my grandfather to finish shutting down for the day I would go next door to the fire station and visit the firemen.

Years later (1957?) I would walk with my two cousins to the movies. I got $.50 for an allowance which got me in the movies, bought my popcorn, a candy bar, and a soda. And I got $.10 change.

I remember the Suzore’s being really nice to me. Great memories!