Hi all my mother worked at the ABC as a cleaner and part time usherette when the likes of ET,Jaws were on , we had freerain of the building when she was cleaning , so tons of free sweets and the odd bit of money , even found a flick knife , we saw so many films from ,,,we to many to mention , watched it get knocked down with a f-ing wrecking ball , not right as it had one of the biggest cinema frontages outside of london …. just to say thanks for posting the photos from anthony
shameful , just how many movies did see on that screen with my mums free pass , !
Awesome photo thanks .
Hi all my mother worked at the ABC as a cleaner and part time usherette when the likes of ET,Jaws were on , we had freerain of the building when she was cleaning , so tons of free sweets and the odd bit of money , even found a flick knife , we saw so many films from ,,,we to many to mention , watched it get knocked down with a f-ing wrecking ball , not right as it had one of the biggest cinema frontages outside of london …. just to say thanks for posting the photos from anthony