Comments from Lev1

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Lev1 commented about Granada Theatre on Jul 10, 2008 at 11:26 am

Hello, I was one of those who let themselves in during the late 80’s. A friend and I had ##### the Laser security systems in place and for about 8 months or so, had the greatest club-house on the North-side. The Theatre was amazing and seemed in very good shape at the time. I dont want to get into too much detail but our small group of friends really did care about the Theatre and it was only after letting a certain girl in did things take a turn, for she had showed and told friends who were gang members how to get in! Needless to say they ransacked the place destroying and spray painting every thing in sight. We were distraught, we did the only thing we thought we could do at 15… We, on the main floor pulled a couple display cases together and lit them up. We wanted the police, fire, etc there to close everything down and stop the Gang from returning. Not sure how effective it was tho, we walked up devon ave. watching the fire trucks go by and never returned. I still have the Zippo to this day.

Despite the graffiti The Granada could have been saved. The damage wasn’t as bad as I thought even then. So any who would say otherwise is just looking for excuses.
