Comments from limikep

Showing 6 comments

limikep commented about Embassy Theatre on Oct 17, 2007 at 9:16 am

Jack – sorry but I don’t know anything current about the Natoli family. Last time I saw John was around 1978?

limikep commented about Embassy Theatre on Oct 16, 2007 at 3:35 pm

Jack.. I remember the Natoli’s. I had their son (John) as my english teacher in I.S. 171. It must be the same people you mentioned. He later went on to become a principle at another school.

limikep commented about Embassy Theatre on Oct 16, 2007 at 1:19 pm

195 lincoln was between Ridgewood Ave. and Fulton St. On my block there was a Vitale family. Ray, Tom, John, Lois, and two others? I lived next to a school yard (I.S. 171).. talk about crazy people. I don’t know any of the names you mentioned but I bet they did visit the school yard and I did hang with them at some point.

limikep commented about Embassy Theatre on Oct 16, 2007 at 8:58 am

We sold the house Oct. 1978 and Joe remained upon the sale of the house. Not sure how long he stayed with the new owners.

J. Tomai mentioned he owned JACK’S TOPS AND BOTTOMS. I remember a JOE’S MENS SHOP. I think this shop took the place of JACK’S after 1974. Was this shop at the same location?

Also surprised no one mention the Triangle Ball Room near Jahn’s ice cream in Richmond Hill. My parents had their wedding reception there?

limikep commented about Embassy Theatre on Oct 15, 2007 at 9:34 am

Yes PKoch, small world. You are right about Joe’s apartment but at the time, the trains were my dad’s. I did play with them alot. I did have eight fish tanks in that same room. How cool was that. And yes, I am the son who is writing. And you are right about the woodwork going on in the apartment. I don’t think he ever finished that project. My mom and dad were not happy with that.

I use to go sledding in Forest Park as well. My friends and I went to the golf course. Many huge hills and one call “camels hump” because of the big bump as you started down the hill. Many people got hurt there as well… I was lucky, or maybe smart, and avoided any injuries?

limikep commented about Embassy Theatre on Oct 11, 2007 at 9:47 pm

My family owned 195 Lincoln Avenue from 1956 to 1978. I remember Joe.