I grew up in Milwaukee and remember the AVALON very foundly . In the early 70’s my dad had a machine shop on Ward st. and I loved going to see the twinking “sky” of the AVALON" . This is great news that the AVALON is being brought back to it’s former glory because in Monterey they , the comunity ,and the goldenstatetheater group are well on the way to TOTALLY RESTORE inside and out the STATE THEATER . Last Fri the 11 Mar. I enjoyed with at least 600 paying patrons the HAROLD LLOYD silent “Grandma’s Boy” with a live all woman orchestra which was enjoyable beyond tears of joy with many laughs shared by movie lovers from 4 to 100+ . We also have a theater organ peservation group in California Which we also enjoyed a Charlie Chaplin short with Robert Israel on the Mighty Wurlitzer Theater Pipe Organ . Mr. Israel also composed and condcted the music For the Harold LLOYD flick. All across the country comunities are getting together and helping restore and mantain these theaters and volunteering as ushers and ticket takers when we have these special monthly shows .
I grew up in Milwaukee and remember the AVALON very foundly . In the early 70’s my dad had a machine shop on Ward st. and I loved going to see the twinking “sky” of the AVALON" . This is great news that the AVALON is being brought back to it’s former glory because in Monterey they , the comunity ,and the goldenstatetheater group are well on the way to TOTALLY RESTORE inside and out the STATE THEATER . Last Fri the 11 Mar. I enjoyed with at least 600 paying patrons the HAROLD LLOYD silent “Grandma’s Boy” with a live all woman orchestra which was enjoyable beyond tears of joy with many laughs shared by movie lovers from 4 to 100+ . We also have a theater organ peservation group in California Which we also enjoyed a Charlie Chaplin short with Robert Israel on the Mighty Wurlitzer Theater Pipe Organ . Mr. Israel also composed and condcted the music For the Harold LLOYD flick. All across the country comunities are getting together and helping restore and mantain these theaters and volunteering as ushers and ticket takers when we have these special monthly shows .